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Atlantis Trufas Mágicas

A Psilocybe Atlantis é uma das trufas mágicas mais potentes do nosso catálogo, apenas as Dragons Dynamite as ultrapassam em potência. Em doses pequenas (5-10 gramas) irá induzir uma viagem alegre e divertida. Em doses maiores (15 gramas) as Trufas Mágicas Atlantis iram proporcionar uma viagem extactica com cores profundas. É considerada uma trufa apenas para viajantes experientes.

Disponibilidade: Disponível

15,00 €
  • Compre 4 por 13,50 € cada e save 10%
  • Compre 10 por 11,25 € cada e save 25%
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Descrição do Produto


15 gramas de Trufas Mágicas Atlantis em embalagem selada a vácuo.

Guardar e preservar Trufas Mágicas

Guard sempre as Trufas Mágicas Atlantis no frigorífico (2-4 °C) na sua embalagem selada a vácuo. Guardadas desta maneira, elas duram até à sua data de validade. Assim que abrires a embalagem, (quebras o selo de vácuo, as Trufas podem ser conservadas apenas por dois dias, sem perderem a sua potência.

Efeitos das Trufas Mágicas

Os componentes activos das Trufas Mágicas são a psilocina e psilocibina. Ambos são facilmente absorvidos pelo corpo humano e são responsáveis pelos efeitos psicadélicos  das Trufas Mágicas. Lê mais sobre a psilocina e psilocibina. 

Em doses pequenas, consumir Trufas Mágicas pode induzir risadas e mocas/pedradas. Neste estado, ainda é fácil comunicar e tu ainda estás ciente do ambiente que te rodeia. Em doses elevadas, as Trufas Mágicas podem alterar a realidade e causar alucinações.

Os primeiros efeitos podem fazer-se sentir após 30 minutos (embora por vezes apenas 10 minutos) após o consumo. Estes efeitos podem incluir (mas não se limitam a) mãos suadas, suspiros, calafrios, uma sensação de inquietação e náusea. À medida que os efeitos intensificam, a viagem segue em direcção à euforia e felicidade, mas também pode causar sentimentos de ansiedade. Visões, alucinações e connexões profundas com outros psiconautas são outros dos possíveis efeitos.

Depois de cerca de uma hora, os efeitos estabilizam - deixam de continuar a intensificar. Geralmente dura de 3 a 5 horas, dependendo da quantidade consumida. Após este período, demora cerca de 1 a 2 horas para os efeitos desaparecerem gradualmente; isto acontece em ondas, o que pode sugerir que a viagem está a terminar, antes que os efeitos surjam de novo. Por esta razão, planeia a tua viagem muito bem e, certifica-te de que não tens outros assuntos a tratar no dia que fores tripar com as Trufas Mágicas.

Durante a primeira hora da tua trip, podes experienciar nausea ou enjoos. Esse sentimento geralmente passa à medida que os efeitos das Trufas Mágicas se intensificam.

O que tu vais ver e sentir durante a trip com as Trufas Mágicas Atlantis, vai depender muito do teu estado mental e do ambiente durante a viagem. O teu estado mental nos dias que precedem a viagem e o ambiente do local onde vais tripar, influenciam directamente a experiência. Uma semana muito ocupada e exigente pode resultar numa viagem  um pouco ansiosa e estressante, mas também pode fechar essa semana com novas ideias e energia.

Resumindo, consome Trufas Mágicas apenas se te sentires mentalmente balançado e relaxado. Toma Trufas Mágicas apenas num ambiente familiar e/ou calmo e apenas com pessoas que tu confias e conheces bem. Não há nada mais frustrante do que incómodo  entre as pessoas com as quais estás a tripar. 

Lê mais sobre o uso responsável de Trufas e Cogumelos Mágicos. 

Dose de Trufas Mágicas

As Trufas Mágicas Atlantis são conhecidas como trufas leves a fortes. São adequadas para iniciantes.

  • Para uma microdose, toma 0.2 - 0.5 gramas de Trufas Mágicas por pessoa.
  • Para uma viagem leve, toma 5 - 7 gramas de Trufas Mágicas por pessoa.
  • Para uma viagem forte, toma 10 gramas de Trufas Mágicas por pessoa.
  • Para uma viagem muito intensa, toma 15 gramas de Trufas Mágicas por pessoa.

Uso de Trufas Mágicas

Come as Trufas Mágicas cruas. Para os melhores efeitos, consome-as de estômago vazio. Certifica-te de que a ultima refeição que comeste foi pelo menos 2-4 horas antes da tua trip. Recomendamos que te abstenhas de bebidas com cafeína.

Mastiga as Trufas Mágicas Atlantis muito bem, isto ajuda o teu corpo a absorver os componentes psicoactivos e ajuda a prevenir nausea. 

Não gostas do sabor das Trufas Mágicas? Então come-as em conjunto com nozes, chá ou até numa sopa - isto ajuda a mascarar o sabor. Nunca fervas as Trufas Mágicas, isto afecta a sua potência!


Não consumir em combinação com outras drogas ou álcool.

Não consumir em combinação com medicação ou inibidores MAO

Não consumir em casos de depressão ou sensitividade a psicoses.

Não consumir durante a gravidez ou amamentação.

Não consumir se tiveres menos de 18 anos de idade.


A trufa ou esclerócio é um produto vivo. É possível que ar (especialmente CO²) esteja concentrado dentro da embalagem. Isto faz com que o esclerócio continue a crescer e que “pelos” brancos apareçam do lado de fora das trufas. A isto se chama de micélio e mostra que as trufas estão boas. São comestíveis e isto não afecta a viagem.

Informação Adicional
Informação Adicional
Weight (KG) 0.0180
Porções 1 - 3
Species Psilocybe galindoi
Origem Estados Unidos
Conteúdo 15g
Potencia Alto

Análises de clientes

Itens 41 a 60 num total de 63

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Best evening of my life Analisado por Miguel
Took 10g and after half an hour took the remaining 5g. Best evening of my life. Nice visual effects, turned the world into a happier and more colorful place. Strongly recommend. (Colocado em 11/12/2019)
NUMBER 1 Analisado por ENRICO
....very nice experience full of color and visual effects..very creative
and stimulate my trip in my secret world.
"be magic to be free".... (Colocado em 18/11/2019)
I Like :-) Analisado por Nandor
as always: fast delivery, good service, great products (Colocado em 18/10/2019)
Great service and great product Analisado por Adam
I am very pleased with your services. Very quick delivery however truffles that I have received in first place they didn't work out at all. I am very happy with the way you approach to the problem and 1 week later I could truly enjoy truffles that I wanted.
They were amazing, very relaxing, nice colourful trip. Exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks and I will definitely come back to you! (Colocado em 07/08/2019)
Excellent experience Analisado por LS
Me and my friend had the Magic Truffles Atlantis and after 40 minutes we start having visual hallucinations. They became more intense, and it was incredible. The trip last around 4 hours, and included also some auditory hallucinations. We took them at home on a very relaxed environment with some nice music, that exarcerbated the effect of the truffles.
(Colocado em 15/07/2019)
One of the packages was rotten Analisado por Vitor
Bought two packages, one for me and one for a friend.

My batch did its job, however my friend got a rotten batch and didn't get more than smelly gas. Really disapointing since we were planning to do this together.

He ended up looking after me rather than having fun, and I was worried about him so didn't really enjoy either

[mms edit: Hi Vitor, sorry to hear that this didn't go as planned. Please contact customer support when you notice something is wrong with the order, we don't bite! ^IQ] (Colocado em 22/06/2019)
Smiles Analisado por João
Nice product. Lot of smiles. (Colocado em 25/12/2017)
As always super reliable Analisado por Paul
Ive ordered these several times and as usual sevice and product is top notch.
(Colocado em 22/02/2017)
Absolutely fascinating Analisado por Robert
Brilliant experience! Great visuals. Couldn't stop laughing or smiling the whole trip. Highly recommended (Colocado em 15/09/2016)
Excellent product! speedy postage, great customer service! :D Analisado por Taygus
I ordered these based on reviews.
They were just like shrooms and lasted a good 6 hours.. and easily another 2 hours feeling relaxed and happy.

I had to contact customer service to change an order. .and had a very speedy helpful reply from them.

Was a little wary of sending by bank transfer but had no issues at all.

Definitely look forward to buying again!
A++++++++ (Colocado em 07/04/2016)
Wow Analisado por Astrosmurf
Shipping was fast.

My experience with the Atlantis Truffles was at home, alone.
Effects began after 45 minutes and the trip lasted about 3 hours 3 minutes.

First part was made of funny thoughts and visual distortions, objects seemed animated by their own breathing

Second part of the trip, I decided I would stay most of the time in my bed, and meditate while listening to electronic music in a dark room. This part was very surprising, with audio-energetic waves running through my body ! A very pleasant sensation: I didn't want to move, but the music wanted to move me :)

Third part was very psychological: I decided to watch myself in a mirror... WOW fascinating, so weird, my face was morphing constantly, expressing and cycling through all human emotions : craziness, joy, fear, happiness, perplexity, kindness...

One of the best experience in my life.
Recommend 100%. (Colocado em 05/04/2016)
Very good Analisado por Ben
Some friends and I took 10 grams each and had a great time! (Colocado em 01/10/2015)
psype Analisado por Giuseppe
Really beautifull experience,i waited for the full moon and i took 15 grams and after more or less one hour,the trip is started,very intense,i enjoied really a lot..also the delivery was fast and good!! Thanks! :) (Colocado em 26/07/2015)
beautiful trip Analisado por Ingrid
My experience with the Atlantis Magic Truffles was in the middle of a wood, was an amazing trip,I could connect with nature, sounds, music , lights, feelings , people, and suddenly everything was happiness! Thanks guys! (Colocado em 13/07/2015)
Pleased Analisado por Nomad Soul
It was first time i was ordering by this site. I sent cash by post.My letter spent 7 days to arrive nederlands,..its far too much! still we are neighboors, . Since they received the payment i received my truffes in my mail box only 2 days after. So its very quick and safe. they enven gave me my 5cents money back. impresselively pleased :) the truffes are fresh and good quality, this one is quite big , brown with some pieces green so its normal dont panic its their color. I take the full package. I ate others truffes the days before... so i was not ecpecting big effects... yet effects were still pleasant, i had big laugh with my friends and dancing for nothing sometimes , no big visual this time. but fun. effects lasted 3 4 hours. no down. (Colocado em 06/07/2015)
Trying Again Analisado por Elston
A friend and I shared one bag between us as it was our first time. Despite following the instructions and eating barely a thing beforehand we felt very little.

Shipping was very fast and the company dealt with our order professionally. We'll be trying these again and taking the full dose each this time.

There are mixed reviews here, and so judging by the nature of the company they must just affect people differently. Hopefully the next round will induce an actual trip. (Colocado em 08/06/2015)
Was very pleased Analisado por Triple T
This company is very very professional. I sent an e-mail asking about the delivery and they replied back to me in no less than a day.

I got the truffles on the day expected, but had to put them in the fridge since I had one more day of exams then the weekend.
When the day finally came to try them out, man oh man, that was some crazy shit right there. I remember being with a friend, it was my first time so he wanted to stay sober and watch over me and make sure I'm safe (as recommended on the instructions page).
Anyways, at first I got a little giggly, feeling a little euphoric, but in no time I was feeling just ecstatic and my friend put a crazy shrooms playlist, I was looking out my living room window that was wide open just looking at the trees and clouds, birds flying, it was all astonishing. My favorite part was my peak, I kept looking at this building and I'd see it like if I were looking in an upside down mirror, it was really trippy, and the clouds were pink, not white, which was also crazy. The down wasn't so nice, but I didn't expect it to be, I mean going from so euphoric to nothing isn't gna be amazing. Oh by the way, I had only taken 10 grams. Next time though, I'll be sure to take 15 grams all to myself, and have 15 grams for my friend. This was all really nice. Really do recommend. Just please, for your sake, if this is your first time, don't do it with random people in random places, you really don't get how much this can affect your trip.
Anyways, I do recommend these and I do recommend them from THIS site, they are very professional. Just one more month for me and I'll be on summer, def will try more ;) (Colocado em 13/05/2015)
quality Analisado por Paul
i need psilocybin for medical reasons (honest) to treat cluster headaches.i took the full pack of these and experienced a nice pleasant trip enjoying the fact that the lovely psilocybin was touring round my brain flushing the nasty cluster out and busting it.
thank you magic-mushroom shop. (Colocado em 02/12/2014)
Worth the money! Analisado por Will
My girlfriend and I shared 15 grams, her first experiment of anything like this, and my first in about ten years. We were not disappointed! I wasn't expecting much, but within 30 minutes we were both getting mild visuals & giggles. Having a smoke definitely helped bring out a stronger trip, lasting about 3-4 hours. Quite intense at times, but manageable & enjoyable. Will most definitely be buying these again. Recommend 100%. (Colocado em 07/10/2014)
wow! Analisado por francesco
I took 10 grams and so strong, wow! .... very funny and a lot of vision (Colocado em 18/08/2014)

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Informação Importante Trufas Mágicas Atlantis | 15 gramas

  • Before ordering, make sure it is legal for you to receive this product
  • In case of doubt contact your government concerning Magic Truffles and its' legal status
  • To order this product you must be 18 years or older
  • These products will only be shipped to certain countries in Europe
  • The use of this product is at your own risk. Make sure you be well informed on how to use it and about the effects
  • The price does not include shipment cost.
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