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Trufas Mágicas Clássicas Embalagem económica

Este pacote de valor Classic Magic Truffles. Dá-lhe todas as variedades clássicas de Slerotia:

  • P. Mexicanae
  • P.Tampanensis
  • P. Gallindoii
  • e Atlantis

Disponibilidade: Disponível

A partir de: 43,20 €

1 x Trufas Mágicas Atlantis | 15 gramas  
1 x Trufas mágicas 'Mexicana A' | 15 gramas  
1 x Trufas mágicas 'Tampanensis' | 15 gramas  
1 x Trufas mágicas 'Mushrocks' Galindoii | 15 gramas  

* Campos obrigatórios

Preço como definido: 43,20 €

Multi Banco
Descrição do Produto

Experimente todas as trufas mágicas clássicas com o pacote de desconto de trufas mágicas, incluindo: Trufas mágicas Atlantis, Gallindoii, Mexicana e Tampanensis.


4 x 15 gramas de trufas mágicas. Em embalagem selada a vácuo.

Armazenamento e conservação das Trufas Mágicas

Conservar sempre as Trufas Mágicas no frigorífico (2-4 °C) em embalagem fechada (selada a vácuo). Se armazenadas desta forma, as trufas podem ser conservadas até à data de validade. Depois de quebrar o selo de vácuo, as trufas podem ser conservadas até 2 dias sem perderem a sua potência.

Efeitos das trufas mágicas

Os compostos activos das trufas mágicas são a psilocina e a psilocibina. Ambos os compostos são facilmente absorvidos pelo corpo humano e são responsáveis pelos efeitos psicoactivos das trufas mágicas. Lê mais sobre a psilocina e a psilocibina.

Em doses baixas, comer trufas mágicas pode induzir sensações de riso e de pedrado. Neste estado, ainda é fácil comunicar e continuas a ter consciência do que te rodeia. Em doses mais elevadas, as trufas mágicas transformam a realidade e podem causar alucinações.

Os primeiros efeitos das trufas mágicas podem ser sentidos 30 minutos (ou por vezes mesmo 10 minutos) após o consumo. Estes efeitos podem incluir (mas não se limitam a) palmas das mãos suadas, suspiros, arrepios frios, uma sensação de inquietação e náuseas. À medida que os efeitos se intensificam, a viagem aproxima-se da euforia e da felicidade, mas também podem ocorrer sentimentos de ansiedade. Visões, alucinações e ligações profundas com outros psiconautas são efeitos possíveis.

Após uma hora, os efeitos das trufas mágicas deixam normalmente de se intensificar e tornam-se mais estáveis. Geralmente duram cerca de 3 a 5 horas, dependendo da quantidade consumida. Após este período, demora cerca de 1 a 2 horas até os efeitos desaparecerem. Este desvanecimento ocorre frequentemente em ondas, o que pode sugerir que a viagem está a terminar, antes de os efeitos voltarem a surgir. Por esta razão, planeia bem a tua viagem e certifica-te de que não tens outros assuntos a tratar no dia em que vais viajar com trufas.

Na primeira hora da tua viagem, podes sentir náuseas ou enjoos. Esta sensação passa normalmente à medida que os efeitos das Trufas Mágicas se intensificam.

O que vais ver e sentir durante uma viagem de Trufas Mágicas depende muito da tua mentalidade e do ambiente da tua viagem. O seu estado mental nos dias anteriores à viagem e o ambiente do local onde viaja influenciam diretamente as suas experiências. Uma semana atarefada e exigente pode resultar numa viagem ligeiramente ansiosa e stressante, mas também pode encerrar a semana com novos conhecimentos e energia.

Em suma, só utilize as Trufas Mágicas se se sentir mentalmente equilibrado e relaxado. Só tome as Trufas Mágicas num local familiar ou tranquilo, de preferência com pessoas que conhece e em quem confia. Não há nada mais frustrante do que o incómodo entre pessoas enquanto se está a viajar.

Lê sobre o uso responsável das Trufas Mágicas e dos Cogumelos Mágicos.

Dose de Trufas Mágicas

  • Para uma microdose, toma 0,2 - 0,5 gramas de trufas mágicas por pessoa.
  • Para uma trip ligeira, toma 5-7 gramas de Trufas Mágicas por pessoa.
  • Para uma viagem forte, toma 10 gramas de Trufas Mágicas por pessoa.
  • Para uma viagem intensa, toma 15 gramas de Trufas Mágicas por pessoa.

Utilização das trufas mágicas

Come as trufas mágicas cruas. Para obteres os melhores efeitos, toma-as com o estômago vazio. Certifica-te de que fazes a tua última refeição no mínimo 2 a 4 horas antes da viagem. Recomendamos que te abstenhas de bebidas com cafeína.

Mastiga bem as trufas; isto ajuda o corpo a absorver os compostos psicoactivos e ajuda a combater as náuseas.

Não gostas do sabor das trufas mágicas? Come as Trufas com um punhado de nozes, um chá ou numa sopa para disfarçar o sabor. Nunca fervas as trufas, pois isso afecta a sua potência!


    Não mistures
  • com outras drogas e/ou álcool
  • . Não uses
  • em combinação com medicamentos e inibidores da MAO.
  • Não uses
  • em casos de depressão ou sensibilidade a psicoses.
  • Não uses
  • durante a gravidez ou amamentação.
  • Não uses se tiveres menos de 18 anos de idade.


Uma trufa ou esclerócio é um produto vivo. É possível que o ar (especialmente CO²) esteja preso dentro da embalagem. Isto fará com que os esclerócios continuem a crescer e que apareçam ""pêlos"" brancos no exterior das trufas. Trata-se do micélio e mostra que as trufas são saudáveis. Este é comestível e não afecta a viagem

Cada gota de solução de esporos de cogumelos de uma seringa contém milhões de esporos, cada um dos quais pode tornar-se no seu próprio ponto de crescimento, a partir do qual o micélio cobrirá o bolo de cogumelos. Este processo chama-se colonização. A adição dos esporos ao substrato de cogumelos é o processo de inoculação. Ambos os processos de cultivo de cogumelos requerem os seus próprios utensílios.

Com menos hipóteses de contaminação e mais rendimento, as culturas líquidas são económicas e recomendadas para utilização no teu processo de cultivo de cogumelos!

Informação Adicional
Informação Adicional
Weight (KG) 0.1000
Porções 1 - 5
Species Multiple
Origem Holanda
Potencia Promedio

Análises de clientes

Itens 1 a 20 num total de 22

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Best deal on here Analisado por Gatis
These are not the strongest strains, but for the value they are great! (Colocado em 19/06/2024)
Excellents products Analisado por Unknwn
perfect product, discreet and super fast shipping, wonderful effects, I recommend it to everyone (Colocado em 16/03/2024)
Smooth Analisado por Diana
Isn't a strong high just right amount to fly a bit. (Colocado em 05/01/2024)
highly recommended Analisado por Lorenzo
not particularly powerful but very nice experience, really introspective (Colocado em 14/10/2023)
Good experience !!! Analisado por Jorge
Everthing ok with my order.
The truffles top.
I will order more for sure!
Greeting from Portugal. (Colocado em 12/05/2023)
Great product Analisado por Zenos
I recently bought the value Pack and took the truffles with a couple of Friends and it was a really fun and mindblowing experience. Shipping was very fast and even tough it was the first time for all of us, we had no problems and enjoyed it a lot. (Colocado em 31/03/2023)
Excellent value! Analisado por Russell
I hadn't tried the truffles before, so this was a pleasant surprise. Very convenient, excellent body rush, lots of giggles, although not as potent as I'd thought they would be. However, this made them an excellent option for socialising rather than full-on tripping. (Colocado em 16/01/2023)
As always, a wonderful experience Analisado por Mathias
Delivery was super fast (France), and everything was packed well.
I know it is hard to order before Christmas, that's why I ordered them
1 month before. In the fridge, they last quit long.
I was sharing a package of mexicans with my girlfriend and wow!

Super visuals, amazing feelings and a long and smooth trip.
The plants where dancing, the wall vibrating and I felt well connected with
my surroundings.

Love this shop, never any issues and highly recommend the product (Colocado em 20/12/2022)
good Analisado por Lidiia
taste of truffles was ok, and effects are also nice (Colocado em 28/11/2022)
Very good Analisado por Andrzej
I ate 4-5 grams of eachtype from the pack, approx 16-17 g of the truffles. It was really magic, incredible experience in forest, with extraordinary shape of trees and strong emotions toward nature. After that, approx a week of antidepressant effects. I recommend it everyone! (Colocado em 25/05/2022)
Good trip Analisado por Ele
The truffles arrived quickly and I was really satisfied with the quality of the product.
I took them with some friends and we all had a great experience!
Good service, I will definitely be ordering again (Colocado em 27/04/2022)
I've never laughed so much my entire life! Analisado por Liana
Initially i had problems with the delivery. My first order took a month to get delivered and was lost right after reaching the destination country,but the client support was so polite and handled the situation with great care and professionalism,i received the second delivery within a week,which was amazing. I tried the Mexicana first,i laughed for 5 hours straight,it was a great experience.The tampanesis were a bit less powerful,but i had a great trip in the woods with a close friend. The galindoi and the Atlantis i haven't tried yet,but i left the best for last. Will order again for sure !Amazing customer service and amazing products!:) (Colocado em 01/03/2022)
Very Good Stufff Analisado por Jorge
Already bought 2 times from here. The payment system by crypto and delivery is great....Didnt feel any diference between them...Can't tell what's my favourite....Tried in different situations...being at home or to party...Gave me a feeling like ****...So to resume Ill be buy back.... (Colocado em 20/02/2022)
Nice Analisado por L
Nice (Colocado em 21/01/2022)
Better than expected! Analisado por Jens
I'm a very experienced truffle user and I'm more used to stronger truffles.

This time, I just wanted to have milder experience so I decided to order the classic pack. Surprisingly, some of them also have quite strong effect, especially the Mexicana. I didn't expect it to be such strong.

Atlantis is as good as usual and is my all-time favorite. (Colocado em 06/01/2022)
Everything I wanted - almost Analisado por Dan
My first time buying online so I was a bit nervous - but when I messaged with my questions, they were quick to give me all the info I needed.

Parcel arrived quickly, good discreet packaging. Put the four bags in the fridge to store them, as recommended.

I noticed after a couple of days that one of the bags had lost its seal, so I messaged and asked if it was still ok. After checking my photo, they said the truffles were still fine. I’m sure if there had been a problem, they would have taken care of it though.

I decided to have that pack the next day, just in case. It was the Tampanensis, which I had while sitting at home alone. Came on quite quickly. It was a mellow trip that I can best describe as being like the blissful part after you’ve stopped rushing off a nice ecstasy pill. Just lots of waves of niceness, no visual to speak of - although I did get a little bit of open-eyed visuals right at the end before it wore off.

Next day, I ate the bag of Mush Rocks and gave the Mexicana to a friend. I was excited about trying that pack, supposedly the strongest of the four, but after an hour, neither of us felt anything. So I also decided to eat the bag of Atlantis to myself while my friend finished his Mexicana. Then we both came up.

First, the floor started breathing (as it should!), and then I went into full-on visuals. Rippling, wavy floor, snakes all over the piano, houses outside turning into cat-shaped cakes and tribal people hiding in my forest-print wallpaper. I also spent about 15 minutes watching a metallic insect trying to get out of a transparent egg. Then I realised it was actually the cellophane from a cigarette packet with a piece of foil inside.

The only thing was, it was a very visual trip - but not particularly mental. I was seeing all kinds of stuff, but apart from feeling very chilled and nice, I didn’t have much else going on. The complete opposite of the previous night.

So basically, everything you could ask for.

My friend’s experience was less intense. It was his first time, but he enjoyed it. Spent a lot of time just listening to music and chilling, but he also spent a bit of time wandering about my house looking at everything like he was in a museum.

That night, we started at about 9pm, completely back to normal by about 2-3am ready for a couple of beers and a debrief. Both had a great time, lots of fun.

Why didn’t the Mush Rocks do anything at first? Who knows. Maybe because taking truffles two days in a row gives you a bit of extra tolerance. Or maybe we were just talking too much at first. Anyway, no big deal because it worked in the end after eating the second bag - and then it was super-powerful.

So in short, attentive, efficient service and a fun product that I enjoyed a lot.

Will definitely be ordering again! (Colocado em 04/11/2021)
All good all sweet Analisado por Marta
Happy with the product and the service, everything arrived as ordered.
I used the Tampanensis for a psylocibin microdosing Stamets formula and it works perfectly. The rest where used with friends for light trips of 5gr and we got nice good mood moments with beautiful eye closed visuals. We experiment soft trips for the moment and dosing has been easy. (Colocado em 12/06/2021)
Surprised Analisado por Andreia
I have been ordering from this site a few months ago, and the service and the product are always 5*. But with this pack I wasn't too lucky.. 3 of the pack didn't work with me at all, even following the " rules", of not eating etc. But the antlantis? It was the craziest, deepest trip I ever had, even scariest ! Really really special this kinda truffles, ordering that one again. It was beyond explanation!!!
(Colocado em 03/12/2020)
no big deal Analisado por Ana
Half did not made effect
Still, had a lot of fun (laugh) (Colocado em 18/06/2020)
Total disappointement Analisado por André
Resuming : try 60gr one weekend and other 60gr other weekend. Zero effects. (Colocado em 08/02/2020)

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Informação Importante Trufas Mágicas Clássicas Embalagem económica

  • Before ordering, make sure it is legal for you to receive this product
  • In case of doubt contact your government concerning Magic Truffles and its' legal status
  • To order this product you must be 18 years or older
  • These products will only be shipped to certain countries in Europe
  • The use of this product is at your own risk. Make sure you be well informed on how to use it and about the effects
  • The price does not include shipment cost.
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