Mondo® grow kit Discount 5 Pack

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5 kits de cultivo de cogumelos mágicos com desconto - Mondo®

26 Comentário(s)

Disponibilidade: Disponível em

A partir de: 159,38 €

Multi Banco
Análises de clientes (26)
Great quantity/quality
Because some kits grow more and can give more flushes than others, buying five averages leaves you with a better change of having a good yield overall. For example I had 1 grow kit that gave me maybe 10g fresh, and only on the second flush, but another kept on giving me flushes for almost 3 months. Good investment Analisado por Inês (Colocado em 06/08/2022)
Yields most up
Great B+ product with larger yields. Grow bags used this time. Yields: 752, 756, 675, 750 and 352 g fresh. The average yields are now more than twice that with previous supplier. Continued fast shipment and smooth service. Analisado por Wadidiz (Colocado em 02/07/2022)
Contamination, failed kits. My fault?
Great service and fast shipment, but all kits became contaminated. I haven't sought replacement because they all probably got stressed before I moved to a new apartment. Yields: 32, 76, 172, 78 and 75 g fresh. Yields much better since. Analisado por Wadidiz (Colocado em 02/07/2022)
Much better than other suppliers
Getting greater yields and less contamination or failed kits compared to previous supplier. The five kits yielded: 95g fresh, 652, 239, 0, and 665. The three contaminated kits were most likely my fault due to moving to a new living space. Since then contamination has been low and yields substantially higher than before. Continued good service and quick shipment. Analisado por Wadidiz (Colocado em 02/07/2022)
très bon !
En général, les kits sont très bien colonisé, le pain est très blanc.
Petit défaut : les pains ne sont pas assez compacté donc fragile.
Les kits fructifient très rapidement et en grosse quantité (un flush de Mexican de 330g frais !). Très peu de champignons qui poussent sur les côtés (si mis dans leur boites en carton)
Repart très vite après noyage (2 jours pour le plus rapide)

Mazapatek : Le kit n'est jamais parti depuis réception. J'ai dunk (noyé) 2 fois, la seconde fois séquestration au CO2 et en ayant planté des coups de fourchette dans le pain. Celui-ci manquait cruellement d'eau.
Analisado por gadjoo (Colocado em 08/06/2022)
Bad bad bad product
Bought the 3 XL grow kit, only one was able to grow. Costumer support was nice enough to send 2 replacement but again so bad. Substrate came full of mold, so pretty much out of 5 XL kits only one I was able to grow THAT IS A JOKE.
Feel sorry because the product was actually good in the past. But now I don’t advice you to buy any kit.

Analisado por Tiago (Colocado em 31/05/2022)
Everything was good, I am for the third pluche.
4 of 5, because 1 grow kits was contaminated. Unfortunately I didn't know it was exchangeable so I didn't contact the site, had I done it in time it would have been exchanged for a new one.
Analisado por Lookrani (Colocado em 10/05/2022)
Take Time but big Grow
In the biggining it take me up to 3-4 Weeks till the mushroom grow
Them they explode
Analisado por J. (Colocado em 17/04/2022)
It worked
All right, so here is the thing:

I started growing it in a ridicuolus way: fully closed but half of the bag's wall was made out of masks, + a tiny hole where I assembled a water sprayer. I expected the air through the masks and I only had to pusg the spray button for humidity. - I didn't kill none of them in 1 fucking month with this!

After that I just took the spray out, so there was a hole on my bag. I thought whatever, let it be unsterile, I don't care after all of this. Those boxes just needed air for growing. All of them had more or less some yield, some of them really good, some of them just half of it. now I have too much, but I'm waiting for the second flush.

After all, this amount of stuff I have for 150 bucks, I'd say it worth for it.
Analisado por Beginner (Colocado em 08/04/2022)
Hätte 5 Sterne wenn alle 5 Boxen aufgegangen wären
Top Shrooms mit tollem Ertrag! Leider sind 2 Boxen kontaminiert gewesen, die restlichen 3 Boxen hatten dafür bis zu 6 flush’s, also echt top! Knapp 180g getrocknet Analisado por Dave (Colocado em 19/12/2021)

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Important information about Pacote de desconto de 5 kits de cultivo Mondo®

  • A compra deste produto está limitada a indivíduos com pelo menos 18 anos de idade.
  • Ao iniciar uma compra, o utilizador confirma o conhecimento e a conformidade com os termos legais relativos ao(s) produto(s) no seu país de residência, bem como a sua elegibilidade para os adquirir e deter.
  • Aplicam-se restrições de envio a este produto. Consulte a secção Informações adicionais para conhecer as nossas zonas de não entrega.
  • O consumo de cogumelos mágicos é da tua inteira responsabilidade, por isso, certifica-te de que te informas bem sobre a sua utilização e consequentes efeitos./li>