magic mushroom combi pack dicount

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Oferta especial de três kits de cultivo de cogumelos mágicos.

49 Comentário(s)

Disponibilidade: Disponível em 23/01/2025

A partir de: 102,15 €

Multi Banco
Análises de clientes (49)
perfect as always.
everything went good as aspectative.
golden teacher done the first flush 400 fresh gr.
unfortunately the extra surprise gift was not working.
but thanks the seem for the present ;)
is the thinking count :D
Analisado por lower (Colocado em 10/04/2014)
Supa Gro Golden Teacher Supa Gro Thai Koh Samui
I made the money transfer on monday and by thursday they allready appeared in 9 day first flush of about 315g each.Great quality and very fast shiping. Analisado por Vlad (Colocado em 03/03/2014)
shipped to me in a half day!!!
Als aller erstes, extremes Danke für den schnellen Versand... Versand Bestätigung um 15 Uhr erhalten, am nächsten Tag um 11 war es da, also nichtmal 24 Stunden bis es hier war, geil.... Zu den Kits kann ich noch nichts sagen da wird aber wahrscheinlich nichts schief gehen....was ich nicht so toll fand dass ich lese dass andere hier schon bei 85 Euro Freebies bekommen und ich bei 150 nichtmal nen Sticker :D naja nicht so schlimm ich bin froh dass es da ist. Analisado por Chris (Colocado em 07/01/2014)
Extremely good service
UPS messed up the delivery of my package. I spent nearly two weeks liaising with them trying to sort it out.

I contacted the sender and within 4 days I had a new package arrive in very discrete packaging with no problem at all.

I have purchased from other sites in the past but this is by far the best I've found!

The service was amazing, thank you.

Recommend to anybody.

Now just to wait
Analisado por michael (Colocado em 17/08/2013)
Das erste mal
Also... hab beim ersten mal mexican, thai und equadorian bestellt. gute nummer, meine sendung kam nach 3 tagen nach der überweisung an. zuerst hab ich einen riesen schreck bekommen, weil ich dachte, dass die thais verschimmelt ankamen. dann hat sich aber rausgestellt, dass die box einfach nur unwahrscheinlich viel mycilen(oder wie das heisst) produziert hat und ziemlich scheisse ausgesehen hat. Im nachhinein kann ich aber sagen, dass gerade diese box am ertragreichsten war. Fazit: mexican: mässiger ertrag mit bestem trockengewicht. Wirkung: stark euphorisierend
Thai: grosser ertrag bei starkem gewichtsverlust. Wirkung: etwas kurz, dafür richtig stark. erst starke halluzinationen, dann eher ein mdma-artiges gefühl
Equadorian: reichlich grosse pilze, aber am meisten gewichtsverlust. Wirkung: kann man nicht beschreiben, muss man erlebt haben :D
Analisado por Obergeilo (Colocado em 30/07/2013)
Perfect !!
Everything went good.
It took around a week, from appointment to delivery. I got the 3 boxes I ordered (Amazonas,Hawaii,Tresure Coast- see how they grow ). But the best thing in my package was the Cookies they put in the box :D
very delicious ! Thanks a lot :)
Analisado por KanonenKalle (Colocado em 04/06/2013)
golden teacher la boite estais differante(déja coloniséé) 1er flush rapide et bien garnis !! mais la taille est normale...les spores se sont ouverts assez tot ..
ya pas moyen de rater un kit !!! c'est nikel !!!
Analisado por mathias (Colocado em 07/05/2013)
just learning my way
first to harvested was thai and it was big yield and quite big shrooms but not very potent trip, secend yield it got something black mold all over the box.
[mms edit: when mushrooms are picked slightly too late, they drop their spores; leaving a black/purple layer on everything]

secend i had was treasure coast, it yield many but quite small and thin shrooms, not strong trip also. secend yield looks also small.
[mms edit: the first flush often gives small thin mushrooms and plenty of them, the second and following flushes will be thicker larger mushrooms]

third i have ecuadorian, first wave were good size but also not very strong trip. secend yield coming soon for both tc and ec, i hope to see more of their potential, as i think they will be stronger now.
[mms edit: the ECU are not very potent, but definitely nice!]

all in all im just beginner growing and trippin, i dont have much expections but im willin to learn much more.
Analisado por Toni (Colocado em 07/05/2013)
Fine grow
I'm very satisfied to this Combi Pack that I ordered. Only problem is, that the Amazonias are very difficult to grow. They are not growing in flushes, they grow about 10 shrooms at same time, but they are big. But that doen't bother me. Analisado por mary (Colocado em 08/03/2013)

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Important information about Magic Mushroom Pacote de combinação | 3x Kits de Cultivo

  • A compra deste produto está limitada a indivíduos com pelo menos 18 anos de idade.
  • Ao iniciar uma compra, o utilizador confirma o conhecimento e a conformidade com os termos legais relativos ao(s) produto(s) no seu país de residência, bem como a sua elegibilidade para os adquirir e deter.
  • Aplicam-se restrições de envio a este produto. Consulte a secção Informações adicionais para conhecer as nossas zonas de não entrega.
  • O consumo de cogumelos mágicos é da tua inteira responsabilidade, por isso, certifica-te de que te informas bem sobre a sua utilização e consequentes efeitos./li>