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Dragon's Dynamite Truffes

La truffe Dynamite Dragon est la truffe la plus forte de notre catalogue. En petite dose (5-10 grammes), elles vous inviteront à un heureux et amusant voyage. Mais une dose plus élevée (15 grammes) de truffe Dynamite Psilocybe Dragon vous emmènera dans un trip « ecstasy » très fort en couleurs. Ces truffes sont recommandées pour les trippers expérimentés seulement.

Disponibilité: En stock

17,00 €
  • Achetez-en 4 à 15,30 € pièce et économisez 10%
  • Achetez-en 10 à 12,75 € pièce et économisez 25%
Multi Banco
Description du produit

Les truffes donnent un effet psychotrope pendant plusieurs heures. Ayez du respect pour les truffes, sinon elles n’en auront pas pour vous non plus. Lisez attentivement les choses à faire et ne pas faire sur notre Page Utilisation Responsable. Vous y trouverez plein d'informations utiles.

L'âge minimum est de 18 ans, mais nous les recommandons pour des personnes de 21 ans et plus.

Que devez-vous faire avec les truffes

Ne pas ouvrir l’emballage sous vide jusqu'au moment de les manger. Les truffes ne doivent pas être séchées, cuites ou congelées. Elles doivent être mangées à l’état brut.

Comment conserver les truffes

Les truffes Dragons' Dynamite sont disponibles en pack de 15 grammes emballées sous vide. Grâce à ce pack, les truffes peuvent être conservées plus longtemps. Dès la réception du colis, stockez-les tout de suite dans le réfrigérateur (2-8°C). Elles peuvent être gardées de cette façon jusqu'à la date de péremption indiquée sur l'emballage.


Une truffe ou sclérote est un produit vivant. Il est possible que de l'air (surtout du CO²) entre et soit retenu à l'intérieur du pack. Les sclérotes continueraient de croître et des "poils" blancs apparaitraient sur l'extérieur des truffes. C’est le mycélium et cela montre que les truffes sont en bonne santé. C’est comestible et n'aura aucune incidence sur votre trip.

Informations complémentaires
Informations complémentaires
Poids (KG) 0.0180
Parties 1 - 2
Espèce N/A
Origine États-Unis
Contenu 15g
Puissance Haute

Commentaires des clients

18 article(s)

par page
It was great. I will order again. For sure Commentaire par Danial
Smooth high. Great visuals. God mode on. Very creative too (Posté le 22/06/2024)
Nice product Commentaire par Nicolas
Hilarious moment (Posté le 14/04/2024)
Dragons dynamite Commentaire par And
I recommend this product. Very good high and visuals (Posté le 23/01/2024)
There was a problem Commentaire par Jonathan
I was very excited about these but... Well I supposed there had some problems with them because I had nothing... maybe bad luck for me ?
I'll probably try once again before making a definitive advice.

Nonetheless, the service was good as always ???? (Posté le 04/07/2023)
Love them Commentaire par Alexandre
Recommended. Very powerful and full of visuals. Astonishing.

(Posté le 22/03/2023)
Dragons dinamite Commentaire par Marco
Good guys,
I didn't start using psychedelics until I was forty.
For me, a magical door opens up to the spirit world.
I use it alone and enter a magical world, with very intense shamanic callings.
I feel the frequency of Nature.
The key to the magic door offered by the Gods.
Respect each serving as if it were a ritual for a passage to another world.
Dragons are my favorites with maximum effect from the first two hours and that lasts for about six hours.
With the visualization of life in all objects. (Posté le 26/05/2021)
Dragons dinamite Commentaire par Marco
Good guys,
I didn't start using psychedelics until I was forty.
For me, a magical door opens up to the spirit world.
I use it alone and enter a magical world, with very intense shamanic callings.
I feel the frequency of Nature.
The key to the magic door offered by the Gods.
Respect each serving as if it were a ritual for a passage to another world.
Dragons are my favorites with maximum effect from the first two hours and that lasts for about six hours.
With the visualization of life in all objects. (Posté le 26/05/2021)
Best trip ever Commentaire par Lostintrans
Laughed so hard it was such a good trip im asking for more ❤️ (Posté le 02/12/2019)
Very good Commentaire par Antoine
the trip was awesome (Posté le 14/08/2018)
Strong Commentaire par silvio
very strong, veri inspirational, bad also very dangerous, as it can show you stuff to big for our mind to understand!
If you will use it, make sure you have time , beacause time stop when your on psy
but never forget it always starts back over (Posté le 15/09/2016)
Recommended Commentaire par N-lunch
First Truffles i tried while visiting amsterdam-Van Gogh Museum
Suited for people seeking intense visual trip (Posté le 06/10/2015)
Not working - for me at least Commentaire par Waldo
I've tried these truffles twice now and barely felt any change (2x 15 gr). Didn't eat a thing for 8 hours before taking the truffles and didn't use any other drugs that could have countered their effect. I ate them both times on the same day when they arrived (fresh) and didn't mix them with any other food. I've tried different types of mushrooms and truffles and almost always had a great time but these dragons just don't seem to work for me.

They work great for most of the people I know, I don't get it either :p

Good service from the shop though, ordered here like 10x already and always received my gear within the week. (Posté le 26/08/2015)
good stuff Commentaire par Alex
I'm experimenting with microdosing - taking small amounts just to put a bit of that magic into your day. Even with quite small amounts (e.g. a sixth or a fifth of this pack) I could feel trippiness creeping in within about half an hour, and later on a quite elevated and 'open-hearted' mood, at least on one of the doses. On another I got very focused on playing guitar. So this is does seem to be good stuff, and I'm sure taking the lot would be quite a powerful trip. (Posté le 05/08/2015)
a problem this time Commentaire par Nomad Soul
shipment very fast as ever. This time there was some problem with the truffes.I recieved them already sliced in the pack.Eating them i had a strange feeling, because the taste was not norlmal. I felt a little shroomy for several minutes, but absolutely nothing happened... I guess there were not mature? i dont know... I never had problem ordering here, i guess that may happen since it s biological medicine. bad luck this time .... (Posté le 30/07/2015)
1 Commentaire par gg20000
This truffles are very strong! they give you a trip Very intense, spiritual , very colorful and with hallucinations . Very efficient !
Recommended to all ! (Posté le 17/07/2015)
Truffes complètement moisies!!!(Truffles completely moldy !!!) Commentaire par Havoc
Consommateur habituel! Je commande deux sachets de dragon's dynamite, je les reçois complètement moisies et vertes, inconsommable! Week end hallucinogènes raté. Site à éviter absolument.

Typical consumer! I order two bags Dragon's Dynamite, I get completely moldy and green, inedible! Weekend hallucinogenic missed. Website worth avoiding.

[MMS Edit: Hello Havoc, sorry to hear this. Can you please contact customer support so we can find out what has happened?] (Posté le 19/06/2015)
Fairly lovely Commentaire par Samwise
Had most of a bag and thought: "I could have done the whole bag". Really lovely feeling, vivid colours and a lot of giggling. They're not very strong, compared to mushrooms, but still give you a sense of cleansing for your mind.

Unfortunately, despite what the website says, they didn't come vacuum packed; They were in normal sealed plastic bags. (Posté le 02/06/2015)
AMAZING! Commentaire par Inkman23
These truffles were HECTIC!
After a solid 15 gram dose I was in several other dimensions and found some deep clarity and refreshment on life that I was seeking.

Thanks guys, keep up the great products!
I look forward to trying the rest of your range now, will write up a review for the Treasure coast kit once my flushes come through. :)

GREAT WORK! (Posté le 23/07/2013)

18 article(s)

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Informations importantes Truffes Magiques Dragons’ Dynamite | 15 grammes

  • Pour commander ce produit vous devez avoir 18 ans ou plus.
  • Ces produits ne seront expédiés que vers certains pays en Europe.
  • L'utilisation de ce produit est à vos propres risques. Assurez-vous d'être bien informé sur la façon de l'utiliser et sur les effets.
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