Myceliumbox Starter Pack

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Kit débutant de culture de Magic Mushrooms Mondo®

57 Commentaire(s)

Disponibilité: En stock le 23 janv. 2025

64,08 €
Multi Banco
Commentaires des clients (57)
Super Schnell und Zuverlässig!
Vor 9 Tagen kam das Kit bei mir an, nur 3 Tage nach der Bestellung! Seit heute sehe ich hier die ersten Kleinen Pilze spriessen. In einer Woche oder so sind sie bestimmt reif zu Ernte. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt wie sich so ein Pilztrip anfühlt :) Commentaire par Thorsten (Posté le 17/03/2013)
my first buying expereince was good
order received on time though a bit expensive courier had plenty in first flush but now as its getting hotter here fewer yields now Commentaire par faraz (Posté le 07/03/2013)
really satisfied
had some problems during the growth but always someone was there to help me figure out what was i had to put my kit in the fridge cause the first 20 days was not responding but then everything went right.thanks guys! Commentaire par christos (Posté le 22/02/2013)
Die Produkte sind schnell angekommen, alles war vorhanden. Ich habe meine erste Ernte schon verzeichnen dürfen, jedoch mit unbefriedigenden Erfolg (Angeblich zu früh geerntet). Ich habe mir die FAQs und Anleitungen dieser Seite durchgelesen, im Nachhinein hätte ich mir an dieser Stelle mehr gewünscht. Commentaire par Joshua (Posté le 02/02/2013)
schöne seite, netter service , top shipping und sehr gute qualität!
Habe mir das pack bestellt mit b+ und bin sehr zufrieden!
der erste flush brachte mir 15g trocken ein der 2 te 13g und es geht immer weiter:)
werde in zukunft nurnoch hier bestellen.
der service war einfach super!!
weiter so MMS team!!
Commentaire par miriam (Posté le 08/01/2013)
easy to grow for good time
It was my first time to grow magic mushroom.
So i worried a bit when i order.
But everything went just perfect from order to harvest. And had really good time.

Commentaire par Y.H. (Posté le 29/12/2012)
it's really worth it!!!
Starter pack is that what you need when you buying first time. Thermo mat does what it was meant to, really helpful especially at winter or cold periods. Other items quite needed as well plus with that price you get it all its really good. I've chosen mexican ones coz of their popularity and I can swear guys you won't be disappointed with them. Quite soft though and really relaxing, put some Trance music on and they'll take you to the other dimension. Nice colors and trust me loads of giggles :) there's no way you will have a bad trip after them. Eat some more, maybe 20-25g fresh and you will get some amazing visuals. So far had round 340g fresh shrooms and still growing next ones. Enjoy your trips fellas!!! don't forget about TRANCE music ;) Commentaire par shroomsLover (Posté le 02/12/2012)
Quick delivery, great service
Thank you for the great service and quick delivery!

Now I am waiting to see them grow.

Commentaire par J. (Posté le 12/09/2012)
Low Value, but a good trip.
Everything from shipping to setting up was easy and this wasn't my first kit either so I didn't pay to much attention to the manuals around since I knew what to do.

But for some reason my kit only gave the initial flush and died after that, I got 51 grams of fresh mushrooms which in my opinion is way to little.

I shared the fresh mushies with a friend and we watched 21 jump street and his words on the movie was "This movie.. is made for us!" A really good trip and we had time to chill in the yard and watch the clouds but again... first flush and kit died, little disappointing.
Commentaire par Emil (Posté le 21/07/2012)
Everything said in the other comments
Everything went perfectly like the instructions said Commentaire par Sebastian (Posté le 21/07/2012)

Articles 41 à 50 sur un total de 57

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Important information about Mondo® Kit débutant de culture

  • L'achat de ce produit est réservé aux personnes âgées d'au moins 18 ans.
  • En initiant un achat, vous confirmez la connaissance et le respect des conditions légales relatives au(x) produit(s) dans votre pays de résidence, ainsi que votre éligibilité à les acquérir et à les détenir.
  • Des restrictions d'expédition s'appliquent à ce produit. Reportez-vous à la rubrique Informations complémentaires pour connaître nos zones de non-livraison.
  • La consommation de champignons magiques relève de votre seule responsabilité. Veillez donc à bien vous informer sur leur utilisation et les effets qui en découlent.