Holiday Break: Dec 24 – Jan 1. Last shipping day: Dec 23. Back on Jan 2. Happy Holidays!

Step-by-step instructions for the standard magic mushrooms grow kit

  • Take all items out of the carton box::

    1x Grow box with mycelium
    1x Grow bag with airfilter
    2x Paperclips

    When handling the grow kit always wash your hands, nails and arms and work in a clean workspace.

  • Opening the mushroom grow kit

    Open the lid of the grow box by breaking the seal.

  • Fill the grow box with water

    Fill the grow box with water until the substrate is submerged.

  • Close the lid

    Close the lid and put the grow box in a Soaking Bag or a closed plastic bag. Store the kit during 12 hours in a refrigerator (2 – 8°C).)

  • After 12 hours

    After 12 hours, pour the excess of water out of the grow box. Rinse the lid of the box, dry it and store it in the box.

    For the XL kits: To improve the development of the mushrooms , add approx 150 ml of clean tap water to the growbag.

  • Put the grow box in the bag

    Place the grow box inside the grow bag with airfilter, fold the open ends of the grow bag and set the fold with the paperclips.

  • The optimal temperature

    Place the grow kit in a clean bright place, out of direct sunlight. Temperatures should stay between 18°C and 28°C, optimal is 23°C.

    Open the bag once a day for 2 minutes to ventilate.

    Using a heatmat? Add extra space between mushroom kit and heating mat to prevent overheating!

  • Spraying

    Once, every other day; spray fresh water against the inside of the bag. Continue spraying when the first pinheads appear after 5-20 days. Never spray directly on the substrate or mushrooms.

  • Harvesting

    Pick the mushrooms right after they open their hats. Don’t wait too long or the spores will drop and the box turns black. After the larger mushrooms have been removed, pick the remaining smaller mushrooms and pinheads to continue.


What is that?

Substrate: The brick that is inside the plastic box. It consists of nutrients with mycelium and protective layers.

Mycelium: The living part of the fungus that is growing and feeding underground as white threads. Mushrooms grow out of this.

Pins or pinhead: This is the name of the mushrooms before they open their hats.