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Mushroom spore print McKennaii

Sporenabdruck McKennaii psilocybe cubensis

Die McKennaii cubensis-Sporen sind nach dem berühmten Psychonaut und Forscher Terrence McKennaii benannt.Der genaue Ursprung dieser Stamm ist unbekannt.

Der McKennaii produziert wilde handförmige Myzel Knoten mit vielen mittelgroßen Pilzen. Die Hüte sind braun und können klein oder breit sein.

Der McKennaii ist ein hochpotenter Pilz, wenn er in den richtigen Bedingungen angebaut wird.

Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar

22,50 €
Multi Banco

General information about the Mckennaii Psilocybe Cubensis strain:

Origin: Unkown, possibly the Amazon. First appearence in Dutch smart/ head shops.
Caps: Size 25-50+ mm. Dark brown to golden and orane brown. Real shape shifter caps an have different forms.
Stem: 40-100 + mm, small to meduim in size. White yellow in color. Turns blue when touched.
Spore: Dark purple brown.1.5–17 x 8–11 µm, subellipsoid, basidia 4-spored
Substrate: Brown Rice Flour, PF Tek, Rye grain. Also Dung, Straw and compost.

Comment: Said to be a possible hybrid of other psilocybe and panaelous mushroom. Rumour that the Mckennaii strain is found and cultivated by Terence McKenna

Mckennaii Mushroom Spore print

McKennaii Spore prints will be made on request only. We keep a small stock, but expect a longer time before shipment.

The Mckennaii mushroom spore prints are made on sterile foil which is stored in sterile ziplock bag and kept under refrigerated conditions. Each spore print can have a tiny scratch of spores removed from the print. With this swab a test run on agar or liquid culture is made to check the conditions of the spores. Only spores that germinate are released as a print.

Store the McKennaii Spore print refrigerated between 2*C-8*C Celsius or 35*F-46*F Fahrenheit. A McKennaii mushroom Spore print can be stored for years



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Great costumer support Kundenmeinung von Monotub
Prints were received well in time and I am very happy with the costumer support (Veröffentlicht am 24.11.2022)

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