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Jack Frost Cloud920® Ready-to-grow Beutel

Jack Frost Cloud920® Ready-to-grow Beutel

Kundenmeinung (erstellt am 19. Mai 2024):
Hello everyone. I have tried many different grow kits from this website, and have been very satisfied with the products, however, Jack Frost is my new favorite. The other growkits were pretty easy to grow - activate and then once the first pins occur, just open the bag twice per day, air out and mist some water in the bag. Jack Frost brings the simplicity to the whole new level: all you have to do is open the bag once you receive it and close back again - you don't have to do anything more - just wait for the mushrooms to grow and harvest them. Just like the instructions said, the bag had enough moisture inside for 2 yields, so you will be able to harvest a couple of hundred grams without having to do a single spray. Regarding the potency, Jack Frost is as potent as other cubensis strains. Therefore, Jack Frost requires by far the least amount of effort per unit of psilocybin produced, compared to anything else I have seen. To sum up, if you wanted to grow your own mushrooms, but was not sure if you can committ to airing them and watering twice per day (if you travel a lot etc.), Jack Frost is what you have been waiting for! I am glad that growing your own medicine is becoming more and more accessible to everyone. That's my take on Jack Frost - hope this review was useful. All the best and take care!