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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose 10 Samen | Argyreia nervosa
- Kundenmeinung (erstellt am 1. November 2012):
First of all, i want to say: They are not really trip modifier...they make a trip!
Preparation: I crushed them all, put them in a glass of water and waited for about 12 hours. Ready to drink:
Consumtion: Just drinking with the crushed seeds, no good taste, no bad taste though..quite okay.
Trip: First hour i had a nauseous feeling but not too bad, a little worse than mushrooms but okay..i haven't had to puke. I also did not really want to move, i kept lying in my bad. Standing up was possible but exhausting. No visuals, nothing psychedeliv at all. In the second hour i felt nothing anymore, i already thougt the trip which was none yet is over. A friend called and came, because i thought the trip is over..But when he was at my home, we talked and while talking in the 2nd and 3rd hour it began..i felt good, nice mood and daaamn i could think so good. I think, i am sure i was able to use 300% of my usual brain. I talked with him, thought about many different things at the same time and i made it good. He did not realize anything and i kept every thought in my mind...not like on shrooms when you loose your thought that fast.. Then after 4 hours of consumption he left and i wnet to the mirror: my pupils were huge. But still no visuals, but i think it belongs to me, even on shrooms i rarely have some. I went to bed and had many good thoughts for 2 hours. And i still remember them and i came to results..thats why i said that i would have liked to have them when i went to school :D (only joking, but improved thinking is true )
Then 6 hours of consumption another friend came, he was introduced to my consumption. Good talking again but the trip began to calm. Two hours later he left again it the trip was actually over.
All in all i can say: To me, it improves my thinking, no fun substance, but possible for using in society. The improved thinking is a little like on shrooms but not that spiritual, i did never feel to ''come in contact with my soul'' as i sometimes do on shrooms. Therefore i did not lose my thoughts, i could think them to an end, thoughts i was long time thinking about, for months...i found results :) No visuals, nothing acoustic, never feeling like being in a ''different world''.
But be aware!!!: Before consuming, i read a looot about them and i read about many people having such an intensive trip, much more than on shrooms with visuals, acoustics and losing the reality. Also of puking and puking...and they consumed less seeds than i did. It has totally different effects. It depends to the person.
Read a lot before consumption!!
But for me it was great, it solved many thoughts of mine, great thinking.
But i don't want to recommend because it has so many different effects and i haven't read about many effects like mine.
I recommend to read a lot about it, read about the LSA as alkaloid, too. Then make your own thoughts about it, and if you want to try: enjoy!
That was my report!