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Glückliche Mützen - TRIP-E

Glückliche Mützen - TRIP-E

Trip-E Happy Kapseln. Psychedelische Kräuterkapseln.

Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar

12,50 €
Multi Banco

Glückliche Mützen - TRIP-E


  • Nehmen Sie 1 oder 2 Kapseln 45 Minuten vor der gewünschten Wirkung ein. Mit Wasser einnehmen. Keinen Alkohol verwenden. Nicht mehr als 2 Kapseln in 24 Stunden einnehmen.


  • 4 Vega-Kapseln

Zusammensetzung von 1 Kapsel:

  • Hawaiianische Baby-Holzrose 150 mg, Koffein 20 mg


  • Hawaiianische Baby-Holzrose, Guarana, Magnesiumstearat, Kalziumdioxid, Hydroxypropylmetylcellulose (vegetarische Kapsel)


8 Artikel

pro Seite
Alles super Kundenmeinung von Mone
Lieferung reibungslos. Ware Ok. Was will man mehr. Immer wieder. (Veröffentlicht am 05.09.2024)
works fine Kundenmeinung von Martin
good tripping , very relaxing (Veröffentlicht am 13.10.2022)
Multifunctional caps Kundenmeinung von ReallySpiritual
Whenever i use these caps i find myself in religious expirience. they also give you nice chill and i hope that i can try them once at the party. rn i will other Space-e because those are out of stock but as soon they will be back i will defenetly order them.
This is the best online shop whenever i had question or if i had any worries about my order i always got the support that i needed.
Thank you! (Veröffentlicht am 22.09.2021)
Worth to try Kundenmeinung von Michal
Good quality caps. Extracted HBWR seeds will give you a good trip with just a little to no nausea compared to a raw seeds. The best way to try LSA without making any complicated extraction. I can recommend. (Veröffentlicht am 04.04.2019)
Is not good Kundenmeinung von Karim
I m sorry, Bit it was no good. (Veröffentlicht am 23.01.2019)
Super trip Kundenmeinung von Anton
I took 2 pills Super trip and superb felling but effect came in an hour and a half, not in 45 minutes as stated in the instructions . Great service and delivery (Veröffentlicht am 26.10.2018)
Excellent product Kundenmeinung von Steven
Very good value for money great trippy experience would recommend to anyone.

Great service and delivery will be ordering more soon (Veröffentlicht am 08.12.2017)
Don't use heavy maschines Kundenmeinung von Odin
Hi guys,
Very fast shipping.thanks for that!
E-Trips hm....
Okay let Me say...surprised!
I Take One with glass Milk!45min later Start up!
Slow but intens.
heavy Very heavy body. I was shopping with My wife, she dosn't know i Take One.she never got a idea yet.normal she is fine with it!
it was Very heavy to say somethink, it was Hard to go,Not realey easy to decide! I had a small break sit in a Café and it was funny to See so many People, Rush in time.
You know, like in some Films,you sit and 1000 People pass you in One second time lapse.everybody is concerned about itself.nobody look at you and know : i Take a silent vacation from all of it.i laughed about all stupid thinks that make our life that fast.i shut down My mobile after it, for three days and you know what...
Nothing happend.
Nothing Impo.happen.
And i m still alife. I will Take the next If i need a silent time inside myself.
///////////But here is a warning /////////
Don't drive cars, Don't use heavy or sharp maschines.
And Don't tell you wife ;) (Veröffentlicht am 03.09.2016)

8 Artikel

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