Clavo Huasca Vine Tynnanthus Panurensis
The Clavo Huasca, Tynnanthus panurensis is a Peruvian herbal medicine, that works stimulating as an libido-booster, most commonly for women. It is also used as an admixture for the Ayahuasca drinks.
50 grams of powderized Clavo Huasca vine
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar
50 grams of powderized Clavo Huasca vine (Tynnanthus panurensis)
What is Clavo Huasca?
Clavo Huasca is a tropical vine used for it's effects as an afrodisiac. It increases the libido and stimulates digestion (Taylor 2005) When the vine is cut it show a Maltese cross in the wood.
- Family: Bignoniaceae
- Genus: Tynanthus
- Species: panurensis, fasciculatus
- Synonyms: Tynanthus elegans, Schizopsis panurensis, Tynnanthus panurensis
- Common Names: Clavo huasca, clove vine, white clove, clavohuasca, cipó cravo, cipó trindade
- Parts Used: Vine wood, leaves, roots
Effects of Clavo Huasca
Clavo Huasca has been considered a very effective aphrodisiac for a long time. The Amazoninan indegenous peoples of Peru and Brazil have prepared herbal medicine with the herb. Clavo Huasca can work against nausea and diarrhea, toothaches and even can gives relief for those suffering from rheuma. It can be used as a remedy for impotence in men, but Clavo Huasca is still most commonly used for women to induce the libido.
Main effects:
- Stimulates libido for Female and Male
- Stimulates digestion
Use of Clavo Huasca
Cloavo Huasca is used int the form of a tea. How to make Clavo Huasca Tea:
- Boil water
- Mix 1-2 teaspoons of the herb Clavo Huasca in a cup with hot water
- Let this steep for 5-10 minutes
- You will feel the effect after 30 minutes
History Clavo Huasca
The Clavo Huasca is also often used as a substance for the Ayahuasca mixes, for example with the
, which shamans made to get connected to the spiritual world. The Clavo Huasca itself does not contain hallucinogenic elements. It was used in these mixes for its capacities to reduce diarrhea and vomiting - something the Ayahuasca drinks can invoked.Producer
Herbs of the Gods have collected high quality herbs since 1999. They have a selection of relaxing, stimulating and psychoactive herbs, that can be consumed by eating, drinking in teas or with a vaporizer.
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