Bad Trips - How to Ride the Waves When Your Psychedelic Experience Gets Rough
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Embarking on a journey into the world of psychedelics is akin to delving into the unexplored depths of consciousness. Within this inner landscape, there is the potential for both profound insight and unsettling turbulence.
In this guide, we'll unravel the art of navigating through challenging psychedelic experiences, offering some insights and tips to help you work through the complexities and uncertainties of your inner voyage.
Acceptance: Surrendering to the Inner Current
A bad trip isn't always a negative thing. In fact, it is the resistance to the uncomfortable feelings that arise during your trip (and in life) that often leads to distress. The more you try to control your experience, the more uncontrollable it can seem. Instead, try saying an internal ‘yes’ and lean into what is happening.
Even though this can seem very scary, often the best possible course of action is to accept the current situation as it is. Surrendering to the currents of your consciousness can guide you through the challenging moments, reminding you that you are safe and everything is temporary, helping to foster trust that all will be okay.
Cultivate Comfort: Create a Supportive Space
Just as a bird creates a nest to feel secure, it is important to establish a comforting environment for your journey. Before you ingest the psychedelic choose a setting where you can relax and feel at ease. If possible, have a trusted friend present who can provide reassurance and grounding.
Your surroundings and companions can serve as anchors when you encounter rough patches along the way. If you begin to spin into a bad trip, retreat into the safe, cozy space that you’ve already prepared.
Seek Support: Share your Experience with Someone
Growing magic mushrooms offers an opportunity to forge a deeper connection with nature. As you immerse yourself in the cultivation process, you witness the intricate symbiotic relationship between mushrooms and their natural habitat. This connection fosters a sense of appreciation for the wonders of the natural world, cultivating mindfulness and gratitude for the Earth's ecosystems.
Breathe and Center: Navigating the Terrain
Focus on your breath to anchor yourself in the present moment. Deep, deliberate breathing can alleviate anxiety and help you remain connected to your experience. Engaging your senses—feeling a textured object, listening to calming sounds—can also provide touchstones within your inner journey to ground out of looping thoughts or anxious rumination.
Practice Self-Compassion: Riding the Ebb and Flow
Cultivate patience and self-compassion as you move through different phases of the psychedelic journey. Remember that each moment holds its own significance and insights. Especially when it gets difficult, it’s important not to judge yourself. Be gentle ─ bad trips can happen to anyone. Try to remember that you have the strength to survive this experience and offer yourself love and compassion during the heavier moments.
Environment Effects: Get Some Fresh Air
Sometimes snapping out of a bad trip can be as simple as changing your environment. As mentioned earlier, it’s a great idea to have a cozy nest to tuck yourself into, but if you find yourself starting to loop in your head, getting some fresh air or connecting with nature can be incredibly helpful to ground and calm yourself down. Often motion or movement, be it walking, dancing or anything else, can help totally shift the experience.
Have Patience: This Too Shall Pass
Bad trips can feel like they will last forever or may even seem like they will leave behind permanent damage. This is not true. Try to remember that the negative or distressing sensations (no matter how overwhelming) are temporary. Remind yourself that this too will pass, and it will help you to endure the darkness.
Embrace the Shadows: Reflection and Integration
Like life, a psychedelic experience may have both bright and shadowy aspects. Bad trips don’t necessarily lead to bad outcomes, and in fact, many people who report having a difficult psychedelic experience have positive long-term changes after facing and moving through the difficulty.
After the intensity subsides, take some time to reflect on the insights gained. Consider jotting down your thoughts and emotions to integrate the experience. This practice can unveil valuable lessons and foster profound personal growth. By nurturing the seeds of change sown within your inner landscape, you can move towards personal transformation.
Note: If you’re suffering from a mental illness and are curious about using psilocybin or any other psychedelic therapy, please consult one of the relevant medical authorities first. Do not self-prescribe, it’s vital to have the right support and guidance when using psychedelics as medicine.
September 12, 2023