Jack Frost Cloud920® Ready-to-grow bag

Jack Frost paddo's, een Psilocybe cubensis paddenstoelen die bekend staan om hun hoge potentie en onderscheidend uiterlijk.

De Jack Frost paddo is een kruising tussen True Albino Teacher en Albino Penis Envy, beide soorten geroemd om hun uiterlijke schoonheid en sterke trip.

Jack Frost is toepasselijk zo genoemd vanwege zijn ijzige uiterlijk, zuiver witte paddenstoelen met platte hoeden die omhoog krullen als ze rijpen.

Let op: dit is zonder twijfel de sterkste Psilocybe cubensis in ons assortiment. Pas je dosis daar op aan.

Beschikbaarheid: Op voorraad Op voorraad

€ 45,00
Multi Banco
Product beschrijving

Jack Frost paddo kweekset van Philosophr® zet een nieuwe standaard voor premium mushroom kweeksets!

De Jack Frost 2000cc premium magic mushroom kit biedt een andere kweekmethode dan je misschien gewend bent..

De paddo's worden direct in een kweekzak gekweekt, zonder de noodzaak voor een kweekbak, wat op zijn goed werkt tegen besmetting, aangezien de zak slechts één keer wordt geopend voordat je kunt genieten van de eerste grote oogst. De Jack Frost is specifiek gekweekt om extreem sterke en en grote paddenstoelen te kweken. Welkom bij het nieuwe tijdperk van thuisteelt.

  • Grotere opbrengsten, meer paddenstoelen

  • Gemakkelijker te hanteren, minder besmettingen

  • Eenvoudigere instructies, minder zorgen over je paddenstoelen.


  • 1x Kweekzak - Bevat substraat met actief mycelium (de cake). De zak heeft micronfilters om besmettingen buiten te houden en frisse lucht binnen te laten.

  • 1x Grote zakclip - Gemakkelijk te gebruiken en een veiligere manier om je kweekzak te sluiten.

  • 1x elastieke band band - Om rond de zak ter hoogte van de bovenzijde van het substraat te binden om groei aan de zijkanten te helpen voorkomen.

Hoe het Jack Frost paddo kweekset correct te bewaren

Het wordt aanbevolen om het kweekproces meteen te starten zodra je de kweekset ontvangt. Als je besluit om later te beginnen met kweken, wat de kwaliteit van de box kan beïnvloeden, kun je het kweekpakket tot maximaal 2 weken in de koelkast bewaren (2°C tot 8°C). Je kunt de kweekzak met mycelium in de doos laten en in de koelkast plaatsen. Zorg ervoor dat je koelkast schoon en vrij van schimmel is. Je kunt het voor extra voorzorg in een schone plastic zak of een weekzak plaatsen.


De Cloud920 Ready-to-grow bag bevat geen instructies. Je kunt de uitgebreide gebruiksaanwijzing hier online lezen.

De Cloud920 Ready-2-Grow Bags worden geproduceerd door Philosophr.

Extra informatie
Extra informatie
Artikelcode MCS.GKEXO.001-AZUR-0280
Gewicht (KG) 1.4000
Paddo strain Jack Frost
Type kweekset Cloud920® Bag
Moeilijkheidsgraad Zeer Makkelijk
Grootte Normaal
Soort Psilocybe cubensis
Herkomst Verenigde Staten
Sterkte Hoog
Optimale kweek temperatuur 23ºC
Opbrengst (vanaf) 200 gram
Opbrengst (tot) 800 gram
Water Sproeier Nodig Ja


19 artikel(en)

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Kit works really well! Review by Chris
Sweet! I got around 450-480g fresh weight from 3 flushes. After the 2nd and 3rd flush i soaked the cake and left it in the fridge over night. Now waiting for the 4th flush :)
Very easy to handle growing process overall, especially for beginners! Doesn't need extra water or airing for the first 2 flushes. Love this kit and will buy again for sure! (Geplaatst op 07-12-2024)
Big Yield + High Potency Review by PC
The first flush on this kit took quite a while to get going, about 3 weeks, but it was all worth it since the first flush produced 400 grams (fresh weight). One of the mushrooms, which started as a side pin and made it's way past the rubber band eventually, was close to 200 grams for a single mushroom! To be honest, I think the main downside of this kit is that the mushrooms are basically too big to grow in the bag, so the next kit I'm going to transfer from the bag to a monotub when the first fruits appear so that I can grow them to their full potential. I think if they had more space to stretch out, they would have been even larger.

Once I had harvested the mushrooms, I was watching a mycogeeky podcast with Dave Wombat who created Jack Frost and he mentioned that a phenotype started to pop up recently that he referred to as 'jumbo jack', and I believe that is the phenotype in the kit I received. Dave mentioned that the biggest mushroom he had seen so far was around 170 grams, so the 200 gram mushroom that this kit produced is quite spectacular, especially considering it started as a side pin!

The potency is definitely up there too! My first go with it, was with a 5 gram (fresh weight) dosage and it was surprisingly potent. Yesterday I microdosed with 2 grams (fresh weight) and it produced one of the best microdosing effects I've experienced so far, albeit it a bit on the strong side. 1-1.5 grams fresh weight would probably be a more "true microdose", which means that a single flush of this kit could provide 1 year + of microdosing for only 45 euros, doesn't get much better than that! (Geplaatst op 11-09-2024)
Best grow kits Review by carlos
Very eazy grow kits, just set upp and wait.
Very potent will defently bye thoes again. (Geplaatst op 10-09-2024)
Hohe Qualität Review by Irene
Die Growbox ist 1A. Das Jack Frost Grow Kit entspricht exakt der Beschreibung. Es war noch nie so einfach Zuhause zu züchten. Die Menge die da raus kommt ist unglaublich. Der erste Pilz wog ungetrocknet allein schon 250 Gramm und die Wirkung ist mega! Ich finde die Intensität genau perfekt, sowohl feelings wie auch Optiks. Das Auge nach innen richten hat damit super geklappt. Ich bin gespannt auf die nächste Zeremonie in Gesellschaft.
Die Endausbeute kann ich noch gar nicht angeben, weil es noch nicht aufgehört hat nachzuwachsen. Aber es ist sehr viel bis jetzt und es sind noch viele Pilze zu sehen, die gerade anfangen heranzuwachsen.
Klare Kaufempfehlung! (Geplaatst op 04-09-2024)
Why not... Review by Al
Very easy to grow and wonderful harvest! Also the strenght of this mushroom is really particular and beauty. I reccomend this product (more easy to grow, more shrooms, more strenght...)
So, why not? (Geplaatst op 04-09-2024)
Top!! Review by Alis
Potentissimi e magici, con 0,8 bellissimi viaggi, 2g viaggio extrim!! (Geplaatst op 30-08-2024)
Snow White Review by Tony
I love this grow kit.
Very easy to use. Effortless growing. All I had to do was release the air into the bag and wait for a week. The first flush i got 300 g. of wonderful snow white shrooms.
The effect is quite pleasant. For me 1g. of dried shrooms is a lift up.
definitely my favorite.
I will buy again. (Geplaatst op 22-08-2024)
Awesome Kit, Awesome support Review by Duarte
the kits produce the biggest mushrooms i've seen, White as they grow, blue as you pick them up hahaha you know the drill
6* review for this one (Geplaatst op 15-08-2024)
Mixed results, but still satisfied! Review by S
I had 3 of these, first gave me in total around 400 grams fresh, with multiple 100+ grams shrooms!
The other 2 where less succesful, still a decent harvest but both got contaminated after the first flush, so had to throw them away.

Also, i think they do need some more fresh air , venting them seemed to improve grow speed and jield.

Potency is above average, compared to mckennaii I say around 1,5 times as potent. (Geplaatst op 25-07-2024)
The best I've tried so far. Review by Krisdis
Hello, the whale came very quickly. And growing these mushrooms is very easy. You set up and wait. After a good three weeks, the first little mushrooms were visible. After a week, I picked up the first round. I got 300g of fried mushrooms. I put the whale back in place, and the next round begins. The next cycle starts very quickly, after two days already a new one. The effect of the mushrooms is very intense and they work very nicely, and they are really strong. Thank you for such a good product. I recommend it to all cosmonauts. ???? (Geplaatst op 02-07-2024)
Great kit, very powerful mushrooms Review by M.
This is my first experience growing mushrooms.

At the beginning I had delayed growth issues after the first tiny mushrooms appeared. Frank from support was super helpful, and more importantly he was spot on with the diagnosis: too much CO2, and I just needed to ventilate the kit. Once I did, after a few days the mushrooms started to grow properly. But unfortunately the few little mushrooms that were there were already starting to rot.

Maybe due to the initial issues, the first flush was very uneven in terms of maturing, and I had to harvest mushrooms every day for more than a week (which I didn't mind at all - quite the opposite: I enjoyed the process a lot). Despite the issues, I collected 240g of fresh mushrooms from the first flush alone.

After that, I soaked the kit (because the cake had shrunk quite a bit and it was a lot drier), then after that I got another flush in less than 2 weeks. This time most mushrooms matured at the same time, and I collected 140g of fresh mushrooms, including some massive ones of 35g+.

Now I soaked it again and I'm waiting for the 3rd flush. I'm ventilating the kit daily at this point.

Be careful - these mushrooms seem really powerful! I haven't done a proper trip yet, just micro dosing using 0.1g of these rotten ones from before the first flush. That's a dose so low that you're not supposed to feel anything, yet I could definitely feel my heart racing and my head lighter. I had to lower the micro dose at 0.05g for no noticeable effects.
For my first trip, I'll definitely start slow and go low with the initial dosage, even if I'm looking for a very strong effect.

I'd definitely purchase this kit again! (Geplaatst op 03-06-2024)
Efficiency Review by Predictor
Effortless growing. Everything went as written in the description. Mushrooms are huge and grow fast. I can feel the cake shrink and become lighter in just a few days. They are also potent. Try starting with half of what you usually need with Golden Teacher. Hard to eat plain raw but they go well raw with soy sauce. (Geplaatst op 21-05-2024)
Just what you've been waiting for Review by Roman
Hello everyone. I have tried many different grow kits from this website, and have been very satisfied with the products, however, Jack Frost is my new favorite. The other growkits were pretty easy to grow - activate and then once the first pins occur, just open the bag twice per day, air out and mist some water in the bag. Jack Frost brings the simplicity to the whole new level: all you have to do is open the bag once you receive it and close back again - you don't have to do anything more - just wait for the mushrooms to grow and harvest them. Just like the instructions said, the bag had enough moisture inside for 2 yields, so you will be able to harvest a couple of hundred grams without having to do a single spray. Regarding the potency, Jack Frost is as potent as other cubensis strains. Therefore, Jack Frost requires by far the least amount of effort per unit of psilocybin produced, compared to anything else I have seen. To sum up, if you wanted to grow your own mushrooms, but was not sure if you can committ to airing them and watering twice per day (if you travel a lot etc.), Jack Frost is what you have been waiting for! I am glad that growing your own medicine is becoming more and more accessible to everyone. That's my take on Jack Frost - hope this review was useful. All the best and take care! (Geplaatst op 19-05-2024)
Biggest Shrooms I ever harvested Review by Maximilian
These shroomies are defenitly worth trying. defenitely the biggest and most potent on the page. My first yield was just one shroom but it filled out the whole inside and weight 101g :D. A week later the rest came and were a bit smaller but still hudge. I tryed it a couple of times raw and had a good time. quite strong body high (a bit like on xtc) compared to the other cubensis strains. 2nd flush is already sprouting... Will buy again.
Cheers! (Geplaatst op 13-05-2024)
Frozen ! Like Elsa Review by Mario
I had one piece raw and it was great! I had so much fun. Easy to grow and potent ! With a little more you get frozen like elsa (Geplaatst op 09-05-2024)
Easy and good Review by RS
Very simple to use and great first flush. Recommend! (Geplaatst op 09-05-2024)
Love those! Review by Flo
They are easy to set up, the yield on my first flush was nearly 300 wet, tryed some fresh and its enough to let me talk with god for a long time! (Geplaatst op 27-04-2024)
Easiest kit ever! Review by KD
Since I need to travel more for work these days, I asked the fabulous customer support team if there was any kit that would still grow okay without daily attention. They recommended Jack Frost, which was even simpler than I expected – I did the usual careful sanitary set-up on the day it arrived, in a space in my flat where it would get the right kind of light, then – following the instructions – I didn't even touch the kit again until the first flush was ready to harvest 2-3 weeks later. Huge flush, very pleased ... just one note of concern – I probably harvested a day late, and some of the mushrooms were already starting to degrade a little bit. I'm wondering if the Jack Frost growing method might yield mushrooms that need to be harvested promptly when the caps open, no procrastinating... Perhaps there is a more humid environment in the bag, and thus a smaller window of time for harvesting the mushrooms than with other kits. I'm not sure, but this is a small matter – I will definitely be continuing to buy this great kit in the future. (Geplaatst op 12-04-2024)
Very good experiance Review by Mantas
I was happy with grow box, grow very good and fast, easy growing ,
Mushrooms are big and full from inside , good quality. I recomend! (Geplaatst op 12-04-2024)

19 artikel(en)

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Belangrijke informatie over de Jack Frost Cloud920® Ready-to-grow bag

  • De aankoop van dit product is voorbehouden aan personen die ten minste 18 jaar oud zijn.
  • Door een aankoop te initiëren, bevestigt u dat u op de hoogte bent van en voldoet aan de wettelijke voorwaarden met betrekking tot het product of de producten in het land waar u woont, en dat u in aanmerking komt om deze te verwerven en in uw bezit te hebben.
  • Voor dit product gelden verzendbeperkingen. Raadpleeg Extra Informatie om onze niet-leveringszones te ontdekken.
  • Het consumeren van paddo's is uitsluitend jouw verantwoordelijkheid, dus zorg ervoor dat je jezelf goed informeert over het gebruik en de gevolgen.
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