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Magic truffles Tampanensis | Natural psilocybin Truffles

Tampanensis magic truffles. Better know as Philosopher Stones, these magic truffles induce a happy and funny trip in a low dose (5-10 grams). In a high dose the reason of its' nickname comes forward. The trip will be deep and spiritual and colours will be experienced more intensely.

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Product Description


15 grams of Magic Truffles. In vacuum sealed packaging.

Storing and preserving Magic Truffles

Always store Magic Truffles in the fridge (2-4 °C) in closed (vacuum sealed) packaging. If stored in this way, you can keep the Truffles until the best before date. After breaking the vacuum seal, the Truffles can be preserved for up to 2 days without losing their potency.

Effects of Magic Truffles

The active compounds in Magic Truffles are psilocin and psilocybin. Both compounds are easily absorbed in the human body and are responsible for the psychoactive effects of Magic Truffles. Read more about psilocin and psilocybin.

In low doses, eating Magic Truffles can induce giggly and stoned feelings. In this state, it is still easy to communicate and you are still aware of your environment. In higher doses, Magic Truffles transform reality and can cause hallucinations.

The first effects of Magic Truffles can be felt after 30 minutes (or sometimes even after 10 minutes) after consumption. These effects can include (but are not limited to) sweaty palms, sighing, cold shivers, a feeling of unrest and nausea. As the effects intensify, the trip moves towards euphoria and happiness, but feelings of anxiety can occur as well. Visions, hallucinations and deep connections to fellow psychonauts are possible effects.

After an hour, the effects of Magic Truffles usually stop intensifying and become more stable. They generally last for about 3 to 5 hours, depending on the consumed amount. After this time, it takes about 1 to 2 hours for the effects to fade. This fading often occurs in waves, which may suggest the trip is ending, before the effects surge back again. For this reason, plan your trip well and make sure you have no other business to attend to on the day you will trip on Truffles.

The first hour of your trip, you may experience feelings of nausea or sickness. This feeling usually passes as the effects of Magic Truffles intensify.

What you will see and feel during a Magic Truffle trip greatly depends on your mindset and the setting of your trip. Your mental state in the days before your trip and the surroundings of the place where you trip directly influence your experiences. A busy and demanding week can result in a slightly anxious, stressful trip, but can also close the week with new insights and energy.

In sum, only use Magic Truffles if you feel mentally balanced and relaxed. Only take Magic Truffles in a familiar or quiet place, preferably with people you know and trust. There is nothing more frustrating than annoyance between people while you are tripping.

Read about responsible use of Magic Truffles and Magic Mushrooms.

Dose of Magic Truffles

Tampanensis Truffles are known as mild to strong Truffles. They are suitable for beginners.

  • For a microdose, take 0.2 - 0.5 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For a mild trip, take 5-7 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For a strong trip, take 10 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For an overwhelming trip, take 15 grams of Magic Truffles per person.

Use of Magic Truffles

Eat Magic Truffles raw. For the best effects, take on an empty stomach. Make sure you eat your last meal a minimum of 2-4 hours before your trip. We recommend to abstain from caffeinated drinks.

Chew the Truffles well; it helps the body to absorb the psychoactive compounds and it helps against nausea.

Don’t fancy the taste of Magic Truffles? Eat the Truffles with a handful of nuts, some tea or in a soup to mask the flavour. Never boil the truffles, this affects their potency!


Don’t combine with other drugs and/or alcohol.

Don’t use in combination with medication and MAO inhibitors.

Don’t use in cases of depression or sensitivity to psychosis.

Don’t use when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Don’t use if younger than 18 years of age.


A truffle or sclerotium is a living product. It might be possible that air (especially CO²) is trapped inside the package. This will make the sclerotia continue to grow and white "hairs" will appear on the outside of the truffles. This is the mycelium and shows the truffles are healthy. This is edible and doesn’t affect the trip

Additional Info
Additional Info
Productcode SMS.EBTRF.003-TAMP-15
Weight (KG) 0.1000
Portions 1 - 3
Species Psilocybe tampanensis
Origin United States
Contents 15g
Potency Average / High

Customer Reviews

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Need to try this one! Review by Nomad Soul
Shipment is very quick and safe! Absolutely no problem. Product is fresh and even taste not so bad. Effects start quickly with this one .
This one is not very strong, yet it s exremelly pleasant. You really feal at ease and harmony, calm and lot ideas at the same time...empath! Its so pleasant that i think i could take them everywhere! No down.. as visuals :Colors, contrast and reliefs are upgraded with this one... Must try it absolutely because its unique as an effect... then mix it with others truffes or shroom (Posted on 7/6/2015)
The mushroom-effect Review by Andrew
I received a box of tampanensis by accident, when ordering 2 boxes of dragon's dynamite.

Customer service was extremely efficient and helpful and we managed to solve the issue in very little time, huge thank you again!

Effects and trip:
As I received only 1 bag, I had to share it (15g) with my friends. I took half, my friend was afraid and didn't took the other half, but divided the half between 3 of them.

Visual effects were nowhere to be seen even after me eating the half. I had a very light vision-deteoration, which was similar to what I had when having regular mushrooms. Lightheadedness, a bit of colors and a pleasant feeling, what was happening to me, but nothing special.

However this was only, until we started cracking jokes. It could be easily told, who was on shrooms and who not from our group - as the jokes started being told, the ones who took the tampanensis, were laughing histerically... :)

Then we noticed, that this is not that bad at all.

However if one would consider eating them alone, I guess it would make a very nice trip with visuals. Half of a bag is just not enough.

Also the taste is very peculiar, you have to get used to it, otherwise you might throw up - it has a taste of almond, mixed with nuts and a winecellar-ish aftertaste (I could only describe it as this, it is really unique). (Posted on 6/19/2015)
Awesome Review by Stefan
Used one portion for in one go. Very nice trip. Deep, cheerful and colourful.
The other portion I'm using in a little micro-dosing experiment right now. I like where this is going! (Posted on 6/2/2015)
good Review by Rafael
it isn't the strongest one, but still a good trip. intensive thinking after the top of the trip . but the effect is not the longest one as well. (Posted on 5/19/2015)
not bad, but not good Review by stoned shaman
Website - amazing

Shipping - fast & descret

Quality of product - bad (purchased 10 x 15g. 4 of the packets were open which was a disappointment and had to be consumed right away as they looked somewhat expired. 1 definitely was expired. The other 6 are fine but look different which makes me think I got a mix, not just the Tampanensis I ordered.) I won't be buying again.

I have hope with this company and ordered a grow kit, fingers crossed!

The trip(45g dose first time) - heroic dose lol - first hour I felt sh*t. Lasted 4-6 hours. not as many visuals as expected/wanted. Mood increase(2h), wouldn't call it mdma euphoria but felt good & natural. Language part of my brain felt like it was on overdrive and I only got comfort when I got a note pad beside me, every thought felt important, which is why I guess they call it philosophers stone. I was expecting an amplified love for nature while tripping but no joy. The "hangover" I was burnt out. Tried to trip again within a week and second time around just didn't work despite the high doses. Maybe a month apart is better. I love psychedelics but I don't think truffles are for me.

I didn't buy the cheaper ones at the time as I didn't want to be disappointed. I am disappointed.

Wonderful staff members. Would recommend the site to friend, just not for truffles. (Posted on 4/15/2015)
not good Review by Paul
im sorry but these were very very poor,i took 15 g and got nothing.

[mms edit: hello Paul, sorry to hear that! Could you please contact customer support?] (Posted on 12/16/2014)
life changing Review by stoned_shaman
Are you a human being on planet earth? Check these out!

5/5 service
5/5 product
(Posted on 7/18/2014)
Great service, Can't recommend them enough!! Review by Chris
I've now ordered multiple times from this site. The first time I sent cash and accidentally wrote the wrong address for the company instead of their shipping address I sent it to their mail address.

I emailed the staff and they were very helpful and recommended a website for International Bank Transfers, which was very useful and sped up the process immensely.

I have purchased the Tampanensis which with 15g produced a euphoric feeling and visual effects heightened by music. Within 1 hour the trip was kicking in and lasted around 4 hours. I would definitely recommend them.

I also purchased the Atlantis strain which produced intense Open Eye Visuals, this was very enjoyable but I preferred the feeling of the Tampanensis and will definitely be buying regularly from these guys.

Customer service...... 10/10
Delivery speed............ 10/10
(Posted on 5/31/2013)
Wow, strong! Review by Ray
Combined this mushroom with syrian rue. Mindblowing effect! (Posted on 12/28/2012)
First experience Review by Luke
I consumed 7/8 grams. Not sufficient in order to have visual and spiritual experience. Nevertheless pleasant and absolutely safe. I would recommend it to everybody. Next time I will try 15 grams in order to get the more spiritual experience. (Posted on 12/5/2012)
First trip experience Review by Andrea
Bought 2 pack of Tampanensis... Super fast shipping, great visuals and lot of laughts (we took 10g each).
The effect lasted for 5-6h and I felt very happy, the taste of the truffles was not too bad and everybody had a great trip.
I am going to order more truffles as soon as possible from there, thank you! :) (Posted on 11/2/2012)
Awsome Review by Marlene
I ordered and it took 4 days after the international bank transfert to ship. Very fast.
I took sclerote once (mexicana) and wanted to try these. We took 15 grams with my boyfriend, 7/8 grams each. The trip was sensual, intense, not creepy at all. Very good experience, the next order is on its way. Thx !
(Posted on 9/10/2012)
trip Review by Mayumi
I ordered the truffles and everything arrived in some days. It was pretty fast!
I took the truffles in spring with my friends in a large park. Each one of us took 5g, which is a quite small dose. All I can say is that our trip was amazing, we felt relaxed and released. (Posted on 6/12/2012)
Worth it!!! Review by Klidokrator
I ate 15 grams of philosophers stone and after 30-45 min colors become too intense with a pleasant euphoric feeling.
there were spiritual questions in me who lead to a very pleasant trip for about 4-5 hours.
The shipping was fast enough. (Posted on 5/24/2012)
PERFECTION ! Review by Jean-guillaume
Ecellent product , extra FRESH !
Very good taste , instant effect , good shrooms
of the best quality , I am really satisfied . (Posted on 5/13/2012)
a nice light trip Review by liam
started off with 10 grams and took the last 5 after an hour. never reached the heights i do with mushrooms but had a lovely warm buzz that lasted about 4 hours. some visuals but nothing crazy. tasted absolutely horrible so used a small amount of yoghurt. would definitely buy again (Posted on 3/2/2012)
Excellent Review by Forest
Quality product. Excellent customer service. Excellent trip. (Posted on 7/15/2011)
Krachtiger als verwacht Review by Draconian
Na enige jaren ervaring met paddo's in het verleden dacht ik deze even te proberen om wat te ontdekken m.b.t. kracht. Normaal neemt mijn kracht letterlijk tweemaal toe onder invloed van paddo's alleen je bent er ook zo zweverig bij zoals in het verleden toen ze nog legaal waren. De eenheid met alles. De tijd en afstand welke verdwijnen als de zon.

15 gram Psilocybe tampanensis truffels besteld welke hetzelfde effect moeten hebben. Nu wilde ik niet volledig in de droomwereld terecht komen dus had ik maar een kwart van de portie genomen in de veronderstelling dat ik niet diep zou gaan maar wel kon genieten van de kracht en het lichte zweverige gevoel. Dus wel mezelf blijven zonder die gekke lach op het gezicht.

Mis, ik voelde na een half uur al dat lacherige effect opkomen en de kracht, het vliegende gevoel. Dat was niet de bedoeling dus. Komt er ook nog eens visite (4 mensen totaal). Sta je dan met die grote smile op je gezicht in de hoop dat ze niets doorhebben. Ze gingen gelukkig in de tuin zitten en ik even in de huiskamer. Ik was flink aan het trippen! De vloer werd weer 3d en de muren waren aan het dansen. Ik naar de koelkast gerend om snel wat suikerhoudende dranken te nemen om het effect te verminderen. Dat werkt natuurlijk niet gelijk. Ik heb mijn uiterste best moeten doen om niet op te vallen. Zolang je in beweging bent blijven de effecten merendeels weg en ben je alleen super actief en vrolijk.

Na 5 uurtjes was het volledig uitgewerkt en dat voor maar 25% van de portie.
Ik hoorde van de visite dat ze mij wel vreemd vonden die avond :-)
Joh, ze moesten eens weten. (Posted on 5/16/2011)
Pleasant Hours of night Review by Fin11
My house mate took my truffles from the post man and never asked me what it was, the packaging is great and looks just like a cd or a book has arrived.

So I ate my truffles and lay down in the dark with music on not expecting much to happen, well, fifty minutes later I definately flt something happening in the dark of my bedroom!!:)

It was a very mellow and light trip at first, with the usual waves of light and washing colours,then after an hour or so I got some inner visions, especially when my cat sat on my bed and i closed my eys... I felt like I was lying in the shade of a tree surrounded by lions!! brilliant, it wasnt scary and didnt last too long to freak me out, just the purrig if my cat induced a vision.

I wont go into the other details but i will say that these would be perfect for tripping with some friends, people you know and trust as the trip is not too heavy and i feel it would be easy to relax in a small group if every one knows each other.One reason for this is after a couple of hours i started to laugh uncontrollably and it felt great, remembering funny things from my weak and knowing that with friends it would be even funnier.

So I say you can trust these truffles, i will eat them again definately, the effects are the same as shrooms and it is just so wonderful to be able to buy them, all you have o do is order them and enjoy them friends, wonderland awaits you;)***** (Posted on 5/5/2011)
Very colorfull for me Review by patrick

first i got my package in 3 days and i'm in suth of France.
This Tampanensis truffles are good, i made a NICE and long trip(10h)
with 30gr and some blue morning glorry(LSA) seed :)
Hey people, trust me you can buy that you want, ALL products in
Magic-mushrooms-shop are very good :))
Thank you (Posted on 2/8/2011)

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Important information about Magic truffles Tampanensis

  • Before ordering, make sure it is legal for you to receive this product. In case of doubt contact your government concerning Magic Truffles and its' legal status.
  • To order this product you must be 18 years or older.
  • These products will only be shipped to certain countries in Europe.
  • The use of this product is at  your own risk. Make sure you be well informed on how to use it and about the effects.
  • The price does not include shipment cost.
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