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Magic Truffles Atlantis | Natural psilocybin Truffles

Psilocybe atlantis magic truffles are one of the strongest magic truffles in our catalog. In a small dose (5-10 grams) the will induce a funny and jotfull trip. In a higher dose (15 grams) the Psilocybe atlantis will give a strong body high deep colours and is considered to be for experienced trippers only.

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Product Description

The Psilocybe atlantis magic truffle is strongly related to the Psilocybe mexicana magic truffle. But they have proven to be a different species by mycologists. The mushrooms of the P. atlantis are also known as the Atlantis Liberty Caps and they have been found in the grasslands of Fulton County, Georgia in the United States.

Atlantis truffels are also known as "Atlanta Liberty Caps Truffles", Sclerotia, Triprocks, Philosophers' Stones (eventhough this is actually the P. tampanensis) and Númenórian XTC.  Atlantis are considered to be the strongest truffles because of the high amounts of psilocin and psilocybin found after testing on all truffle-forming species.


15 grams of Magic Truffles. In vacuum sealed packaging.

Storing and preserving Magic Truffles

Always store Magic Truffles in the fridge (2-4 °C) in closed (vacuum sealed) packaging. If stored in this way, you can keep the Truffles until the best before date. After breaking the vacuum seal, the Truffles can be preserved for up to 2 days without losing their potency.

Effects of Magic Truffles

The active compounds in Magic Truffles are psilocin and psilocybin. Both compounds are easily absorbed in the human body and are responsible for the psychoactive effects of Magic Truffles. Read more about psilocin and psilocybin.

In low doses, eating Magic Truffles can induce giggly and stoned feelings. In this state, it is still easy to communicate and you are still aware of your environment. In higher doses, Magic Truffles transform reality and can cause hallucinations.

The first effects of Magic Truffles can be felt after 30 minutes (or sometimes even after 10 minutes) after consumption. These effects can include (but are not limited to) sweaty palms, sighing, cold shivers, a feeling of unrest and nausea. As the effects intensify, the trip moves towards euphoria and happiness, but feelings of anxiety can occur as well. Visions, hallucinations and deep connections to fellow psychonauts are possible effects.

After an hour, the effects of Magic Truffles usually stop intensifying and become more stable. They generally last for about 3 to 5 hours, depending on the consumed amount. After this time, it takes about 1 to 2 hours for the effects to fade. This fading often occurs in waves, which may suggest the trip is ending, before the effects surge back again. For this reason, plan your trip well and make sure you have no other business to attend to on the day you will trip on Truffles.

The first hour of your trip, you may experience feelings of nausea or sickness. This feeling usually passes as the effects of Magic Truffles intensify.

What you will see and feel during a Magic Truffle trip greatly depends on your mindset and the setting of your trip. Your mental state in the days before your trip and the surroundings of the place where you trip directly influence your experiences. A busy and demanding week can result in a slightly anxious, stressful trip, but can also close the week with new insights and energy.

In sum, only use Magic Truffles if you feel mentally balanced and relaxed. Only take Magic Truffles in a familiar or quiet place, preferably with people you know and trust. There is nothing more frustrating than annoyance between people while you are tripping.

Read about responsible use of Magic Truffles and Magic Mushrooms.

Dose of Magic Truffles

Atlantis Truffles are known as strong Truffles. In a lower dosis they are suitable for beginners.

  • For a microdose, take 0.2 - 0.5 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For a mild trip, take 5-7 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For a strong trip, take 10 grams of Magic Truffles per person.
  • For an overwhelming trip, take 15 grams of Magic Truffles per person.

Use of Magic Truffles

Eat Magic Truffles raw. For the best effects, take on an empty stomach. Make sure you eat your last meal a minimum of 2-4 hours before your trip. We recommend to abstain from caffeinated drinks.

Chew the Truffles well; it helps the body to absorb the psychoactive compounds and it helps against nausea.

Don’t fancy the taste of Magic Truffles? Eat the Truffles with a handful of nuts, some tea or in a soup to mask the flavour. Never boil the truffles, this affects their potency!


Don’t combine with other drugs and/or alcohol.

Don’t use in combination with medication and MAO inhibitors.

Don’t use in cases of depression or sensitivity to psychosis.

Don’t use when pregnant or breastfeeding.

Don’t use if younger than 18 years of age.


A truffle or sclerotium is a living product. It might be possible that air (especially CO²) is trapped inside the package. This will make the sclerotia continue to grow and white "hairs" will appear on the outside of the truffles. This is the mycelium and shows the truffles are healthy. This is edible and doesn’t affect the trip

Additional Info
Additional Info
Productcode SMS.EBTRF.003-ATLA-15
Weight (KG) 0.1000
Portions 1 - 3
Species Psilocybe galindoi
Origin United States
Contents 15g
Potency High

Customer Reviews

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great experience Review by S. S.
Me and my friend ate the 15gr and fasted for the previous 4-5h in order to maximize the experience.
After 30-45min we started to have great visual effects that lasted ate least 1h30. In the second part there were also visual effects and also some kind of peaceful mind set. Very impressive.

The all experience took around 3h.
This was my first experience but will repeat for sure.
(Posted on 4/16/2019)
overral good Review by Maka
it was like between ecstasy and lsd feeling, a little distorted vision but no tripping... i eat 15g and had quite a good time with a friend who was also on 15g...
i take them two weeks after they arrived, stored in the fridge so it was an ok experrience... (Posted on 11/20/2018)
Miss Marmalady Review by helen
After very much looking forward to my first truffle experience, I was disappointed.
I consumed the the whole bag and didn't have any effect.
Postage was fast though, can't fall that. (Posted on 11/7/2018)
Nothing happened Review by D
I chewed the truffles as instructed, but apart from a slight tingling in the mouth, similar to when you put freshly-grated nutmeg on your tongue, absolutely nothing happened. Except terrible insomnia. A big disappointment. (Posted on 10/27/2018)
Mild potency Review by Domenico
It was my first time with psilocibyn, I took 13g and had a mild experience, hardly noticeable opened eyes visuals, very mild closed eyes visuals and a light psychedelic headspace. It was a good experience overall, but I wouldn't recommend taking less than 10g. (Posted on 9/22/2018)
Nothing happened Review by D
Chewed them carefully as instructed - taste not unpleasant, a bit like chewing wood or walnuts, but the only thing that happened was a sort of tingling in the mouth, like when you put newly grated nutmeg on your tongue. And insomnia - terrible insomnia. Apart from that, absolutely NOTHING! Waste of time. Very disappointing.

MMS Edit: Please contact our customer support. We might be able to help you out and find a fitting solution. (Posted on 9/20/2018)
awesome Review by Grey
Had the full 15g first go, thoroughly enjoyed the visuals and length of the trip. I do agree with the dosing, if it was my first trip ever, 15g would have been really overwhelming. So good dosing guide for anyone to follow, experienced or not. Will know just how much to recommend to inexperienced friends and family :) Happy customer here and will return. (Posted on 9/16/2018)
Vacation for the spirit Review by SPink
This is about 7th time I was experimenting with active compound, psilocin and psilocybin.
Those two substances do wonders for me.
This time I tried 10g of Atlantis truffles in the evening.
// If you chew them truffles, instead of just biting and swallowing, effects tend to come much faster, especially on empty stomach.//
So after 30-40 mins I entered this state. When you move your head for example, you notice something is different about the movement. At that moment I knew I had jumped down the rabbit hole and started laughing to myself. I was instantly happy and full of joy and curiosity.
Then the visual effects came. This is where you realize public opinion is way off. It's not like Disney coloring book or anything, everything just swims. You know those videos, for hypnosis. Where you stare at the point of spiral motion for 30 seconds or so, and then you look away and everything is afloat. This is by far the best description/comparison I can give from my personal experiments. And this visuals are permanent for the trip. Many are scared of this, but it is very relaxing. The best example is to look at the icons on your phone, and imagine they are floating. They do not mix though. Like if they were just hoovering in their place. Very pleasant.
But still, it's not why I take them.
The best part of the trip for me is second half. Mind altering effects. It's like some 300 years old monk, would take control of your brains. All that wisdom included. So peaceful. I can't explain in words. It is different than daydreaming, some say they are illusions, for me it is crystal clean reflection. I'm so into life.
I'm so damn into life and everything. In my natural state I always look for a reason, always overheating my brains with anxiety, with questions there are no answers to. In trip you accept life. You modestly accept it and are so joyful of your existance. This is the best, I really mean it. The best 'cure' for treating my depression, anxiety and laziness. Don't get me wrong. Only action will heal those states, especially laziness. But just one trip will guide you, give you one time direction, power and boost, it will put your mind right, so you cant start walking the path of life again. This sure is the vacation of the spirit.
Those are all just my opinions, my perceptions on that matter. I would like to also point out there are few research papers online, for science enthusiast, but I like meat on the bones, so I gave my personal story.
Shipment came to SI in about 5 days.
Please note, I ordered on friday, hence I didn't count in the weekend.
Bank and deposit/transfer were resolved within half a working day, so I got the package sent to me the same day.
You can easily track your parcel online.
As for the company goes, their processing time is fast and efficient.
Customer support 5/5 ( Leia ).
(Posted on 9/7/2018)
Love Review by Gareth
I love truffles!! Atlantis (Posted on 8/30/2018)
Love Review by Gareth
I love truffles!!! Atlantis (Posted on 8/30/2018)
Perfection Review by Watermoods
Excellent quality, truly magnificent plant! (Posted on 8/22/2018)
Not impressed Review by Conor
First time eating truffles so I bought the Atlantis and hollandia ones, very fast delivery came within the week and kept them in the fridge. I ate the Atlantis ones first last night and prepared correctly and did everything recommended prior to eating them e.g eating on a empty stomach/ no sugar . Started with 5g, didn’t notice any affects after and hour so decided to eat the rest of the bag and the only thing I felt was a very slight stoned feel. I don’t know what iv done wrong but feel really disappointed as I was looking forward to a really intense trip especially as it’s my first time taking them and I took the whole bag! Didn’t see any visuals at all I just felt normal. They didn’t really have a bad taste at all they were quite bland with a walnut aftertaste to them and they were soft. Maybe the Atlantis has lost their potency via transportation or Iv just naturally got a high tolerance which seems strange as it’s my first time trying them .Going to take 10/15g of the Hollandia next week and see if they they do anything. I hope they do as they are the strongest ones on the market. (Posted on 8/11/2018)
Great Review by sw
Pick these everytime, have tried others but always go back to these. Just the right amount of tripiness and length. (Posted on 6/11/2018)
Tripping bolls Review by Sebastian
Trip is amazing on 15g, Beautiful strong visuals that last for a long time. Great to do outdoors in warm weather. Will do again! (Posted on 5/31/2018)
Great stuff Review by Tomasz
ok guys, on the first time went 15g and that was good idea. I had 2 bad trips and to be honest guys it’s not a big deal as the people say, i felt worst after overdosing edibles. (Posted on 3/28/2018)
Amazing Review by Tomasz
They doing the job. 15g and great trip every time. (Posted on 3/10/2018)
Belters Review by TGX90
Had many a good night in the lost city of atlantis always 5*s (Posted on 2/21/2018)
great service Review by fledermaus
Although I am reviewing the Atlantis, I'm not really sure - I ordered 3 different types (Atlantis, Hollandia, Hawaiian)and my one quibble is, that they were marked with scribbled (to me, unreadable) letters in felt pen, so I never really knew which of the 3 I was taking. I did complain about this via email and in all fairness, I received a reply very quickly offering me to send photos of the packets so the seller could tell me which was which.
One thing that fellow mushroom buyers should really pay attention to, is that the sellers absolutely know what they are talking about when they describe the strength of the various strains and give advice which types are best for experienced trippers. Beginners should pay heed to this advice. I had not used MM for 20 years and my only previous experience was with fresh mushrooms picked from cow dung - they made me super energetic and euphoric but the experience was only slightly psychedelic. The truffles I ordered were too strong for me and my next order will be for the Tampanensis or Mexicana A, for a milder trip, but I look forward to the stronger strains when I'm ready. (Posted on 2/17/2018)
Smiles Review by João
Nice product. Lot of smiles. (Posted on 12/25/2017)
Magic Truffles Atlantis Review by jan
6 months ago I have last been on a trip so they bought with a Golden teacher grow kit so I could get a trip before they grew up.
I took them the first Saturday after arrival. Took a light morning meal 4 hours before they were eaten. Thicked them well so they blended well with my regret. took about 15 minutes for me to eat them. I was waiting for a trip, but the only thing I felt was a little turmoil in my stomach. Otherwise, I had not taken any drugs or alcohol before. So no I can not recommend them. Now I hope better with my Golden Teacher Grow Kit. (Posted on 12/13/2017)

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Important information about Magic Truffles Atlantis

  • Before ordering, make sure it is legal for you to receive this product. In case of doubt contact your government concerning Magic Truffles and its' legal status.
  • To order this product you must be 18 years or older.
  • These products will only be shipped to certain countries in Europe.
  • The use of this product is at  your own risk. Make sure you be well informed on how to use it and about the effects.
  • The price does not include shipment cost.
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