What is the best temperature to grow magic mushrooms?

Hello Folks! Back again with some mind blowing shroom information. Todays question: " What is the best temperature to grow magic mushrooms?"
I get a lot of questions about the best, ideal or optimal temperature to grow magic mushrooms.
The coolest thing is this question is all ready covered in a previous blog post, in the instructions for your magic mushroom grow kit and on our website below each psilocybe Cubensis strain grow kit.
To make my job easy and enjoy my time between the shrooms I will direct you the right information on our site and blog.
The best temperature to grow magic mushrooms
The optimal temperature is 24 degrees Celsius or 75 degrees Fahrenheit. When you keep your grow kit on that temperature your mushrooms will have the perfect environment to flourish.
Try to keep the temperature as constant as possible. The mycelium in the grow kit and your mushrooms do not like sudden temperature changes. A higher or lower environmental temperature can postpone the moment of fruiting.
Finding the right temperature
On our Magic mushrooms Blog we have several post that will give you some information on the temperature needed to grow magic mushrooms:
- What is the ideal temperature to grow magic mushrooms ?
- Magic mushroom grow kit
- How does a magic mushroom kit work ?
Or just read the instructions of your magic mushroom grow kit. Read/ download instruction or watch the instruction video
Different strain, different temperature ?
On the website of The Magic Mushrooms Shop you can find additional information which includes the grow temperature of magic mushrooms.
Just look up your favorite strain in the search option and scroll down for the extended information which will include the temperature.
Most strains have the same temperature range between 18 °C - 27 °C.
Temperature for Incubation
When you make your own Pf-tek cakes or use a substrate kit like the Fast Fungi the spores have to grow out to mycelium and colonize the substrate.
- Store your cakes in a dark spot around a temperature of 21-27 °C or 70-81°F.
- The optimal temperature for the mycelium to grow will be around 26 °C.
- When the substrate cakes are fully colonized you can store the jars in room temperature (18-25°C) to get them pinning.
You can also build a incubator also called tub in tub. I will try an make some instructions for them another time. In the mean while have a look at Fungifun sites instructions on how to build a incubator,
Now you know were to find the temperature information of magic mushrooms. Keep warm, till next time! Send your questions to askmick[a]magic-mushrooms-shop.com
February 14, 2013