Ten Reasons Why people take magic Mushrooms.
Posted under: Latest News, News and Science

Magic mushrooms have been making regular headlines as scientists discover more and
more about their incredible therapeutic properties. The FDA recently labeled them a “breakthrough” drug for treating depression, and as a result the laws about magic mushrooms and other psychedelic substances are gradually changing and relaxing.
Suddenly it seems like everyone is talking about magic mushrooms, and more people than ever before are curious to try them out. We’ve gathered a list of the top reasons why people are feeling called to experience the magic of mushrooms for themselves.
# 1 - They’re Physically Safe
Magic mushrooms are one of the safest recreational drugs around ─ they’re mild on your body and aren’t physically or psychologically addictive. For most people magic mushrooms have no long-term negative health effects.
According to the 2017 Global Drug Survey, out of 10,00 people who took them, only 0.2 percent of mushroom users sought emergency medical assistance, making them the safest drug in the survey. The myth that psychedelic drugs are inherently dangerous is just that ─ a myth.
#2 - They Open Your Mind
It may sound like a cliche when people say psychedelics open your mind, but according to various recent studies, that’s exactly what magic mushrooms do. Using neuroimaging techniques, scientists have found that psilocybin ─ the main active ingredient in magic mushrooms ─ makes our brains behave very differently than they normally do.
Psilocybin acts on serotonin systems and neurotransmitters to shut down our repetitive (and often mundane or negative) thought patterns, directly impacting what is called the Default Mode Network. In other words, psilocybin opens up new neural pathways and allows different parts of our brain to communicate better to offer a new, more expanded perspective.
#3 - They Can Help You Be Creative
Throughout history, writers, musicians, artists, and even scientists have turned to psychedelics for creative inspiration. The link between psychedelics and art is fairly well documented in contemporary culture (think The Beatles, Allen Ginsberg, Aldous Huxley and many others). Magic mushrooms are commonly known for helping you think outside the box and can take your creativity to the next level.
Preliminary studies suggest that microdosing can help with creativity and productivity, improving cognitive flexibility and openness. Mushrooms also stimulate certain areas of the brain that process sensory information, which could improve visual function and hearing.
A study from 2021 found that during a trip, users had plenty of creative thoughts and ideas, but it was hard for them to act on them while they were under the influence. It was only a week later that participants reported their creative thoughts continued throughout the week, and that they had the clarity to act on them.
# 4 - They Make You More Empathetic
Studies exploring the relationship between magic mushrooms and empathy all suggest that psilocybin increases emotional empathy and can help you feel more connected to people.
Academic results also indicate that the effects continue even after the trip. One report concluded, “empathy is better for society and magic mushrooms promote prosocial behavior” implying that the consumption of psychedelics can lead to a more connected society, as empathy is such a crucial component of human relating.
# 5 - They Can Help with Some Mental Health Conditions
The results have been outstanding regarding psilocybin and its effectiveness in treating mental health conditions. Psychedelic-assisted therapy has been shown to help with PTSD, treatment-resistant depression, and end-of-life anxiety in terminal patients. Since the FDA classified psilocybin as a breakthrough drug for treating mental health conditions, psilocybin therapy is becoming more readily available in Europe and the USA, and a growing wealth of research backs the substance’s therapeutic potential.
# 6 - They Make You Feel More Connected to Yourself and the Universe
Many people who take mushrooms report having a powerful spiritual or mystical experience. This type of profound occurrence often includes things like ego death, the dissolution of space and time, feelings of transcendence or interconnectedness, and internal and external unity or universal oneness.
This is a huge appeal for many people to try psychedelics, as these substances can be a catalyst that allow you to enter into altered states of consciousness and can make you feel like you’re part of something much bigger. These mystical experiences can be incredibly transformative and give you a newfound optimism and purpose in life.
# 7 - They Can Help You Overcome Addictions
In a study in 2016 scientists looked at whether psilocybin could help people overcome tobacco addiction. A massive 80 percent of the group quit smoking, and 12 months later, 67 percent of the participants remained non-smokers. There’s also evidence suggesting mushrooms can help with alcohol and opioid addiction.
#8 - Even The Bad Trips Are Good
There is a common understanding within the psychedelic community that there is no such thing as a bad trip. Even during more challenging (or downright unpleasant) psychedelic experiences there are many valuable lessons that can be learned. More and more people are turning to magic mushrooms for self-development and healing, and while this process is not always totally pleasant it turns out that the more difficult trips can provide some of the most profound shifts.
Psychedelics often act as mirrors, showing parts of ourselves that we would rather not see. It could be that a bad trip is your subconscious mind trying to tell you something, or a difficult experience could also be triggered because you did not think about set and setting before going into your trip. It is important to explore and challenge your perspective on what a ‘bad trip’ means to you!
# 9 - They Boost Your Mood and Outlook
Psilocybin works on receptors that help regulate our mood and to keep us feeling balanced. The compounds in fungi have several neural effects including increasing serotonin levels (the neurotransmitter affecting mood) and anandamide levels (another neurotransmitter that affects mood). Psilocybin has also been shown to work with other neurotransmitters like dopamine and GABA to regulate mood.
Psychedelic mushrooms can help you deal with stress better and give you a better, more optimistic outlook on life. Research has linked magic mushrooms to a number of benefits and improvements in anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Many people also use microdosing to keep their moods in check and find relief from lower levels of anxiety and depression.
# 10 - They Can Help You Make Positive Changes in Your Life
When you combine all the things in this list, it’s clear that magic mushrooms can give you some of the tools you need to make positive changes in your life. They help you take a step back to reflect, make your brain more flexible, and can even help you find a higher purpose.
Whether it’s being more creative and innovative, overcoming addictions, or simply being more empathetic to the people around you, magic mushrooms can definitely support your journey of self-development and discovery.
Note: If you’re suffering from a mental illness and are curious about using psilocybin or any other psychedelic therapy, please consult one of the relevant medical authorities first. Do not self-prescribe, it’s vital to have the right support and guidance when using psychedelics as medicine.
August 18, 2022