Reed Canary Grass: The psychoactive properties
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Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) is a perennial plant that is native to wetlands and marshes in North America, Europe, and Asia. Although it has been used for centuries as animal fodder, it has recently gained attention as a potential source of psychoactive compounds. The leaves of Reed Canary Grass contain the psychoactive substances N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, which are known for their potent hallucinogenic effects. However, caution is advised when using Reed Canary Grass, as it also contains the toxic compound gramine, which can cause serious harm if ingested in large quantities.
Effects of Reed Canary Grass
Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) is a plant whose leaves contain psychoactive substances such as N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT. N,N-DMT induces intense euphoric trips with hallucinations and visions, while 5-MeO-DMT produces a more sensual and emotional experience with fewer visual effects. However, the seeds of Reed Canary Grass do not contain any psychoactive substances, and cultivating the plant is necessary to obtain N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT.
Psychoactive effects of Reed Canary Grass as "fast and intense," with a short duration of 20-30 minutes. The effects reportedly include "intense visual effects, increased creativity, and a sense of expanded consciousness."
Use of Reed Canary Grass
The uses and preparations of Reed Canary Grass are still experimental, and it is not recommended for novice psychonauts. Smoking the leaves of the plant rarely leads to strong effects, so it is advised to prepare an extract of the plant and mix it with a smokable substance such as tobacco, mapacho, or kanna.
Some individuals are experimenting with Reed Canary Grass as an ingredient for an anahuasca or ayahuasca analog, which requires combining an extract of the active substances with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) to prevent the breakdown of the active substances. Syrian Rue is a commonly used MAOI for this purpose. Without an MAOI, N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT cannot produce hallucinatory effects.
Many people who have experimented with Reed Canary Grass report unpleasant side effects, such as intense nausea and vomiting. Therefore, caution is advised when using Reed Canary Grass, and other sources of DMT are considered preferable.
How to Cultivate Reed Canary Grass
Reed Canary Grass resembles reeds and has stalks up to two meters in height and small white or white-pink flowers. It is a perennial plant that blossoms multiple times during its lifespan and thrives in wet circumstances such as marshy areas or near the waterfront. The plant grows quickly and easily in moist soil, and germinating the seeds involves sewing them on a layer of soil at least 10 centimeters thick and gently pressing them into the soil. The seeds sprout quickly, and after a few months, harvesting can begin.
Reed Canary Grass is a hardy plant that grows quickly and easily, as long as it is planted in moist soil. It thrives in wetlands and marshes, and can be cultivated by sowing its seeds on a layer of soil and keeping it moist. The seeds should sprout quickly, and the plant can be harvested after a few months.
Reed Canary Grass is found worldwide in marshy, swampy areas of North America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and is often grown by farmers to create hay or pastures for cattle. Ancient writers may have been aware of its psychoactive properties, as evidenced by the Roman poet Ovid's description of Glaucus transforming into a sea god after eating a grassy plant in his poem Metamorphoses. However, Reed Canary Grass is not part of any known shamanistic tradition.
Method for synthesizing DMT using Reed Canary Grass or Common Reed:
The first step is to obtain the plant material, which can be harvested from the wild or grown in a garden. The plant material is then dried and ground into a powder, which is extracted using a basic solution such as sodium hydroxide. The resulting extract is then purified using an acid-base extraction process, which separates the DMT from other compounds in the extract.
The purified DMT can then be recrystallized to produce a pure product, which can be smoked, vaporized or consumed orally in combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) to produce an ayahuasca-like experience.
Read the full guide for DMT extraction
Reed Canary Grass is a promising but potentially dangerous psychedelic plant that has gained attention for its psychoactive properties. Although it contains powerful hallucinogens, it also contains the toxic compound gramine, which can cause serious harm if ingested in large quantities. Therefore, caution is advised when using Reed Canary Grass, and other sources of DMT are considered preferable. If you do decide to experiment with Reed Canary Grass, be sure to cultivate the plant yourself and extract the psychoactive compounds from its leaves with caution.
March 3, 2023