Magic Mushrooms Shop's monthly curated psychedelic news digest 1.28
Posted under: Latest News, News and Science

Once a month The MagicMushroomsShop brings you a brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to psychedelics, the inner self (meditation, mindfulness, yoga), and anything else we find ‘’trippy’’. Here are our 5 selections for June.
This week:
- Scientists Want to Talk to People Who've Had Life Changing Psychedelic Experiences
- Canada moves one step closer to legalizing recreational marijuana
- Practice this 3-Minute Breathing Exercise to Get Calm in Any Situation
If you find any interesting News you want to share with us, feel free to share it with through a Facebook Private Message.
Let’s get started!
.Scientists Want to Talk to People Who've Had Life Changing Psychedelic Experiences
Have you had a life-changing experience while tripping on a hallucinogenic drug? John Hopkins University wants to know!
Researchers are trying to understand the positive clinical and psychological effects of psychedelic experiences, or what is known as the ''Quantum change theory'' that states that psychological insight or mystical experiences can bring change in your mood, the way you behave, thoughts etc.
Interested? Click here to tell researchers at the John Hopkins all about your experience!
Read the original story and see the illustrations here
Canada moves one step closer to legalizing recreational marijuana.
Canada is one step closer to making the country the second in the world to fully legalize marijuana. (after Uruguay)
You heard right folks, the Senate, which is the Upper House of Canada's Parliament and whose purpose is to consider and revise legislation voted in favor of the measure, and it will now go back to the House of Commons with some amendments.
Justin Trudeau introduced the legislation last year because as he put it ''the current system does not work''
Some of the objectives of the legislation are to eradicate illicit sales, keeping cannabis out of the hands of kids and out of the black market and convert illicit sellers to the new system.
“It won’t be like buying Budweiser or branded alcoholic products,” said Steve Rolles of Transform, a UK drug policy think tank. “It’s going to be more like buying pharmaceuticals from a chemist.”
Will it work? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure, all eyes are on Canada
Read the original story and see the illustrations here
Practice this 3-minute breathing exercise to get calm in any situation
It works, it's used by first responders and the Navy Seals, people who are constantly in stressful situations but cannot afford to lose it for fear of either losing their lives or losing the lives they are meant to save.
It has an obvious palpable positive effect and you to can use it when you are faced with danger or any other perceived threat where you instinctively go to 2 choices: run or fight.
It's a simple breathing exercise that will make the difference.
Breathwork is in fact, so useful, that one study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2017 found that patients with major depression who practiced deep breathing methods for three months had significantly reduced symptoms as compared to those who did not.
How does it work? You need to have enough awareness to take control of your breath, more details on the original story here
This article is an adaptation of Michael Pollan's book, ''How to Change Your Mind'', a great book that talks about what the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches us about Consciousness, Dying Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence.
It talks about psychedelic therapy, the underground type and the potential legal one that is still not out but for which some practitioners are already training when the governments finally decide to decriminalize psychedelics for medical purposes.
The author goes on to describe his experience with an underground psychedelic therapist ''Mary'', a veteran of these sessions, a person who has put her freedom at risk, as being caught would represent years in jail.
A very interesting read for those who are curious about the use of psychedelic therapies to treat ailments that today are still being treated with drugs that numb the brain: Depression, PTSD, Alcoholism, and much more.
Read the original story here
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June 12, 2018