Mushrooms Shop monthly curated psychedelic news digest 1.26
Posted under: Latest News, News and Science

Once a month The #MagicMushroomsShop brings you a brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to #psychedelics, the #innerself (#meditation, #mindfulness, #yoga), and anything else we find ‘’trippy’’. Here are our 5 selections for March.
This week:
- Advocacy groups fight for your right to do magic mushrooms
- The Magic Mushrooms Shop Psytrance Festival Guide 2018.
- How Yoga Changes Your Body, Starting The Day You Begin
- A study reveals the similarity between psychedelic states and dreaming
- A Single Psychedelic Drug Trip Can Change Your Personality for Years
If you find any interesting News you want to share with us, feel free to share it with through a Facebook Private Message.
Let’s get started!
.Advocacy groups fight for your right to do magic mushrooms
The Denver chapter of the Psilocybin Decriminalization Initiative — known as the Psychedelic Club at the University of Colorado Boulder — claims on their website that “drug laws ruin lives.”
“People should have the right to use psychedelic substances for medical, intellectual, spiritual, and recreational purpose,” the website reads. “The War on Drugs criminalizes millions of innocent people each year for usage. As a result, psychedelic substances are stigmatized in our society.”
They are at the forefront of a legal and political fight to decriminalize magic mushrooms. But they are not alone. Many more of these initiatives are springing up all over the US.
The California Psilocybin Mushroom Decriminalization Initiative is on its way to gathering the 365K signatures they need to decide whether the state should decriminalize the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms by adults in 2018. The measure would exempt adults 21 and older from penalties of possessing, selling, transporting, or cultivating psilocybins.
Read the original story here
The Magic Mushrooms Shop Psytrance Festival Guide 2018.
Summer is just around the corner Folks, and so are music festivals! The Magic Mushrooms Shop want to help you have the time of your life and so they have prepared a 3 part investigation into the best and wildest psytrance festivals this summer! Get ready to get together with friends and open your mind to new experiences and sounds!
- MMS Psytrance Festival Guide 2018 ( Part 1)
- MMS Psytrance Festival Guide 2018 ( Part 2)
- MMS Psytrance Festival Guide 2018 ( Part 3)
How Yoga Changes Your Body, Starting The Day You Begin
Have you been wondering what Yoga can do for your well-being? Are you looking for reasons to try Yoga? The Huff produced this great infographic that may convince you to jump on to the Yoga bandwagon.
From increased flexibility to increased muscle strength and tone, weight reduction, scientists are starting to realize and find proof of how Yoga can benefit our health.
We also found this article on the Yoga Journal very useful, they present 38 ways yoga keeps you fit, check it out!
Read the original Huffington Post story here
A study reveals the similarity between psychedelic states and dreaming
Have you ever wondered what happens when you are going through a psychedelic experience induced by magic mushrooms?
This very interesting article by presents the results of a new research that compares the altered states of consciousness produced by psychedelic drugs to dreams, they found that psychedelic drugs such as LSD and psilocybe mushrooms produced experiences that where most similar to dreaming.
This means that most people know more than they think about psychedelic states because most people dream frequently.
Read the original story here
A Single Psychedelic Drug Trip Can Change Your Personality for Years
According to a new review of studies published online in the journal Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, people who took just a single dose of psychedelic drugs like LSD, magic mushrooms and ayahuasca can experience sustained personality changes that can last many weeks, months or even years, but for the most part, these changes where for the best.
So what are the benefits? Openness, that is a greater appreciation of new experiences, among many more.
Read the original story here
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March 11, 2018