Morning Glory seeds
Posted under: Our products

Morning Glory are beautiful tropical blue flowers originary from South America. Why are we talking about these flowers? Because they're beautiful and blue? No! Because the morning glory seeds have hallucinogenic effects, of course! That's why we are interested in them. So... Let's talk about morning glory seeds effects!
Morning Glory seeds effects
Morning Glory are tropical flowers with hallucinogenic effects. The seeds contain d-lysergic acid amide, LSA, wich maybe remind you Lysergic acid diethylamide, the famous LSD. The seeds of these plants have been used by many indian tribes in many religious rituals because their hallucinogenic effects.
Morning Glory seeds have hallucinogenic effects. They make you experiment visual hallucinations, strange perceptios and concious changes. In short: they make you trip very well!
How to take morning glory
How can you reach these effects? The easiest way is chewing the morning glory seeds, but this maybe cause you nausea and other unpleasant experiences. To avoid these effecrs, you must ground them to a fine powder and let it rest in cold water for several hours. Then filter off the mixture and drink the water. These will make you have a nice trip!
The first effects will appear in 15-20 minutes, but if these don't appear, star calm and don't take more dose. Just wait the effects to appear.
These effects will be very similar to an LSD trip, but lower. You know: visual effects, geometric patterns, colour visions, blurry reality, change of perception and such. You'll feel relaxed and happy but conciouss.
Source: Erowid
Proper doses
Approx Number of Morning Glory Seeds by Exp. Report Intensity (2000)
Light | 25, 38, 48, 125, 140, 150, 200, 200, 250, 250, 262 no naptha, 350 naptha, 500 no naptha, 700 starting fluid (heptain, diethyl ether, hexane) |
Medium | 110, 125 naptha, 154, 240, 245, 300, 315, 315, 315, 315 no naptha, 350, 400, 450, 470 475 no naptha, 500 |
Strong | 280 no naptha, 300 no naptha, 350 no naptha, 400 no naptha, 440 with naptha, 15g (525*) no naptha |
* - using 35 seeds per gram for rough estimates |
Source: Erowid
3-5 grams of seeds are a good dose. Start by a lower one to test the effects in your body.
Some consume tips
- In case of bad trip: Just calm. Breath slowly and eat something sweet and with fat, like ice cream.
- DO NOT take morning glory if you have any mental illnes, like depression, schyzophrenia, panic attacks and such.
- DO NOT take morning glory if you're not 18 years old.
- Use morning glory in a calm and safety place, not in a noisy or dangerous one.
December 10, 2014