Magic Mushrooms Shop's monthly curated psychedelic news digest 1.32
Posted under: Latest News, News and Science, Uncategorized

Once a month The Magic Mushrooms Shop brings you a brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to psychedelics and anything else we find ‘’trippy’’. Here are our 4 selections for November,
This Week:
Magic Mushrooms are inching closer to decriminalization in Denver and Oregon.
.Psychedelic Retreats And The Future Of Mental Health: A Review
.I Took Psychedelic Drugs On A Self-Help Retreat And This Is What I Learnt
.Welcome to the trip of your life: the rise of underground LSD guides
Let’s get started!
Magic Mushrooms are inching closer to decriminalization in Denver and Oregon.
Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For the times they are a-changing'.
These general yet universal lyrics by Bob Dylan is a message of change, and change is what we are starting to see in regards to how society views psilocybin, the active compound in ''magic mushrooms'', an illegal drug without accepted medical uses.
Nevertheless, Denver and Oregon could change this ridiculous narrative at the state and local level.
In Oregon, we are talking about a reduction of penalties on psilocybin and the possibility to use it during guided retreats or sessions at state-approved centers.
In Denver, it has gone further as they are getting signatures to decriminalize personal use, possession, and growth at the local level.
These initiatives reflect what a lot of people are thinking: people are using this not for recreational use but because it provides them relief, “It lets people lead more of a more normal life.
Read the original story here
The Psychedelic Resistance
Great article about how psychedelics renaissance is more than just a need to trip, it goes further. According to its author, there is a need within our society to get high in a very particular way, a way only psychedelic drugs can get you high.
Even mainstream culture is starting to talk about it, rapper Chance has admitted his latest record is 20 to 40 percent acid. Frank Ocean has talked about his experience with magic mushrooms.
But what is it that people are craving? What are they looking for when they trip on psychedelics?
People are disconnected from the natural world, they have lost the sense of community their parents and grandparents had. There is a sense of disengagement that is made worse by the life we live online. The Digital has sucked peoples attention.
What we are seeing here is that psychedelics is a response to modern life.
Read the original story here and learn more about the experiment.
Psychedelic Retreats And The Future Of Mental Health: A Review
There are many psychedelic retreats available for those who want to try psychedelics surrounded by people who can accompany you and make you feel safe within your experimentation. Moreover, these retreats are usually done with others with the same type of curiosity about psychedelics.
In this Forbes article, Gregory Ferenstein goes to the Netherlands for a completely legal retreat. The Netherlands is one of only a few countries where Psilocybin is consumable without feer of prosecution.
The hosts of the retreat are called the Psychedelic Society.
A must read if you are interested in this sort of experimentation.
Read the original story here
I Took Psychedelic Drugs On A Self-Help Retreat And This Is What I Learnt
It sure looks like the Psychedelic Society. is on some sort of awareness offensive, and that is a good thing. This time it is a journalist from the Huffington Post who goes down to the Netherlands to experiment with Psychedelics.
Similar as for the above journalist but she does give a bit more insight on the experience.
Read the original story here
Welcome to the trip of your life: the rise of underground LSD guides
As more and more news about the benefits of psychedelics makes it to mainstream media, more and more people are beginning to look for people to guide them with the experimentation, modern-day shamans if you may.
But how does one become a ''guide'' when the substances they use are illegal?
This article from the Guardian explores this new trend.
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December 13, 2018