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Magic Mushrooms Shop's monthly curated psychedelic news digest 1.31

Once a month The Magic Mushrooms Shop brings you a brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to psychedelics and anything else we find ‘’trippy’’. Here are our 4 selections for November,



This Week: 

John Hopkins University recommends magic mushrooms be rescheduled

Can Microdosing Schrooms expand your creativity?  Scientists are trying to find out. 

8 Sacred Herbs to aid the lucid dreamer

CBC oil vs Marijuana


Let’s get started!


John Hopkins University recommends magic mushrooms be rescheduled





For many years now, many therapists, psychiatrists, and botanists have know that Magic Mushrooms are more than a mere party substance and that they have properties that can treat depression, anxiety, addiction, and God know what other ailments.  Nevertheless, since Magic Mushrooms were declared a Schedule 1 substance, research on psilocybin was all but nonexistent.  This is changing, slowly but surely, particularly thanks to the John Hopkis Univesity and its researchers who have called for a rescheduling of psilocybin so that it can be used in therapeutic sessions that are guided by professionals. 

Read the original story here

Can 'Microdosing' 'Shrooms Expand Your Creativity? Scientists Are Trying to Find Out.




It appears that small doses of Magic Mushrooms could boost creativity, according to a new study. 

The only problem with that claim, and the reason why they say ''might'' boos creativity is because the research did not use a control group in the study, this could have allowed them to determine if the schrooms were really behind this burst of creativity, nevertheless, it is an interesting conclusion that seems to back a large amount of anecdotal evidence out there. 

This study is the first one to attempt to study microdosing and get away from anecdotal evidence and come up with solid scientific proof that microdosing actually helps creativity, and it will certainly not be the last. 

Read the original story here and learn more about the experiment. 

8 Sacred Herbs To Aid The Lucid Dreamer


Psytrance festival guide



The use of hallucinogenic or consciousness expanding plants have been a part of the human experience for many thousands of years, but in western society, we have only recently begun to discover them.  Thanks to those cultures that have not lost touch with these plants, such as the dream herbs, or ubulawu.  When these are correctly used, they can sedate the body and alleviate physical sensations, sharpen focus and enhance mental clarity, which can produce vivid and very tangible dreams or personal guidance. 

Learn about these sacred herbs here


CBD Oil vs Marijuana

CBD magic mushroom shop 5 ways to consume CBD



What are the health benefits of CBC oil and marijuana?  How do they function differently to provide health benefits?  This Sociedelic article does a great job of explaining. 

The article talks about medical benefits, safety issues, aspects of legality, psychoactive properties and cultivation.

CBC oil is mostly safe and has more health benefits that marijuana plant if you are looking for an alternative to prescribed synthetic medication, this could be the way to go. 

Check out the Magic Mushroom's CBD items here. 


 Read the original story here


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