Magic Mushrooms Shop's monthly curated psychedelic news digest 1.30
Posted under: Latest News, News and Science

Once a month The Magic Mushrooms Shop brings you a brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to psychedelics and anything else we find ‘’trippy’’. Here are our 4 selections for August, all have to do with the exciting subject of Psychedelic Rennaissance.
This week:
- Stanford researches are figuring out how ketamine fights depression - and why the drug has been called the most important discovery in half a century.
- Does microdosing LSD really work? A new study will try to find out.
- ‘Microdosing’ is touted by ’shroomers and Reddit users. Science is starting to test their claims — and finding some truth
- The Anti-Authoritarian Architecture of Dance and Rave.
Let’s get started!
Stanford researchers are figuring out how ketamine fights depression — and why the drug has been called 'the most important discovery in half a century'
The good news just keeps on coming in regards to the therapeutic use that dugs that were once only known for their party benefits. Magic Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, and others all fall into this category.
In regards to Ketamine, it appears that a Standford study managed to shed some much-needed light on how the substance works in the brain and how it can alleviate depression. results are so impressive that researchers are talking about Ketamine possibly being the next blockbuster antidepressant.
Read the original story here
Does microdosing LSD really work? A new study will try to find out
Microdosing on LSD or Magic Mushrooms has become a very usual theme talked about in pretty much all media, whether mainstream or niche. This article on WIRED explores the latest research on microdosing on LSD, a much need research as much of the reported effects to date are very much anecdotal, there are no serious studies on this new trend, not until now.
The study will be led by Imperial College London and the Beckley Foundation. The object of the study will be to find out if microdosing actually has any benefits for people's psychological well-being.
Read the original story here
This month we are taking a real close look at microdosing :-)
In this article from, they take a look at a Dutch study that found that microdoses seem to improve convergent and divergent thinking, two forms of thinking that influence creativity.
Nevertheless, it had no real effect on the problem-solving, rational-thinking, and abstract-reasoning ability called fluid intelligence.
According to one psilocybin microdoser: “It sharpens all the senses as if the frequencies of all of your atoms and energy field are raised a little bit and are being slightly more conscious.”
more details on the original story here
The Anti-Authoritarian Architecture of Dance and Rave
Very interesting article about Dance and Rave and how it is by nature anty anti-authoritarian and how it will never threaten or hurt another human being, therefore making it very loathed by those who are in search of power.
The individuality behind dancing and raving is also intertwined with togetherness, and this is why the elite hates it. It celebrates sovereignty and unity and increases the awareness of the nature of the human spirit.
The article goes on to define a RAVE (radical, audio, visual, experience) and how the experience is like a multi-sensory orgasm, and more importantly, all negative judgment and social anxiety is kept out of the dance floor.
There is also a suggestion that without the experience of dance, everyone would be led by the culture of violence. It is also an escape from the pressure of the system, at a rave, you can ventilate your repressed anger and symbolically rage against the system.
Read the original story here
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September 5, 2018