Magic Mushrooms Shop weekly trippy news digest 1.17
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Magic Mushrooms Shop weekly trippy news digest
Every week The Magic Mushrooms Shop brings you a selected and brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to psychedelics, Magic Mushrooms, drugs in general, the inner self (meditation and mindfulness), and anything we find ‘’trippy’’, enjoy!
.This week:
If you find any interesting News you want to share with us, feel free to share it with us on our Facebook page or send us an email at [email protected]
Let’s get started!
A Safe Drug to Boost Brainpower
Take a pill and become smarter. Myth or reality?
This article from the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN talks about Modainil, a drug that boosts higher-order cognitive function without causing serious side effects. Interesting is it not?
The studies asked participants to do complex and difficult tasks after taking Modafinil or a placebo found that those who took the drug were more accurate
Unfortunately, even though some doctors do prescribe it, trials have not yet been done on the long term effect fo the drug, caution is in order as no one yet knows whether it is safe for long-term use in healthy people.
Read the full story here
Stoned People & Sloths, when you feel down watch this video :-)
We all go through hard times in life, feel a little down, you know....
If you are having a day that lacks laughter, this video is for you!
You will find new things to laugh at every time you watch it!
Watch the video here
Psytrance: Music of the new counterculture
One must not criticize what you cannot understand said Bob Dylan. Do you understand Psytrance music?
This article takes you to the history of the musical style and takes a look at the essence of the music and how it started in Goa,
It created a new shrine for the perfect collection of young hedonistic, differently thinking individuals at the perfect place at the perfect time.
Today Psytrance is found all over the world, it has had to adapt to a more industrial framework but people are still uniting over different ideologies, mystical experiences and a sense of belonging.
One thing is a constant: the crowd comes for the experience the music has to give. It is more than a theme song to use an excuse to interact with the oposite sex.
Read the full story here
How Dealers Sell Drugs on Tinder
We thought this was funny and interesting, we had our ''Really?'' moment :-)
It appears you can now hook up with a dealer on Tinder, the app is evolving to say the least.
Yes, drug dealers are now usint Tinder to sell their merchandise. How?
Swiping right on as many people as they can so that those who are searching for drugs knows what to look for will eventually match.
Obviously, photos are suggestive - like marijuana symbols, or smoke - all subtle clues.
Read the full story here
The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth
We are living in a moment of great interest for the inner self. More people are beginning to realize that there needs to be a shift in consciousness to explore pathways to regenerate the vitality of our living planet and build sustainable systems.
This article explores Michael Beckwith's model for understanding the Four Stages of Spiritual Growth and Development.
A true practical and empowering perspective on our journey from victim-hood to empowerment, connection and oneness with the greater forces of life.
Read the full story here
Thanks for reading and see you next week!
April 11, 2016