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Magic Mushrooms Shop weekly ''trippy'' news digest 1.9

Posted under: Latest News, News and Science

Magic Mushrooms Shop weekly ''trippy'' news digest

Every week The Magic Mushrooms Shop brings you a selected and brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to psychedelics, Magic Mushrooms, drugs in general, the inner self (meditation and mindfulness), and anything we find ‘’trippy’’, enjoy!


.This week:


If you find any interesting News you want to share with us, feel free to share it with us on our Facebook page or send us an email at [email protected]


Let’s get started!


A Refresher Course on the Ups and Downs of LSD


Photo by Troy Farah



We liked this informative VICE article about LSD, it answers a lot of questions a first time user might have.

Nice initiative because inasmuch as more people are now taking acid and taking into consideration that people take drugs regarldless of what anyone can tell them,  it makes sense to talk about it with an expert so they can have the knowledge to take those drugs in a responsible manner.  In this case Andy Roberts, the author or Albion Dreaming: A Popular History of LSD in Britain  is the expert.

This article answers questions such as:

''Is it common to have bad trips the first time you take LSD?'', 

''What's the biggest single cause of a bad trip?''

''Is there any way of making sure you don't have a bad trip?''

So there your!  Read up on this valuable info before you try LSD and remember what Timothy Leary had to say about using LSD: set and setting, your own mindset and the physical setting, combine them carefully and be aware of dosing to maximise a good trip.

Read the full story here


Albert Hofmann Jan 11, 1906 - Apr 29, 2008




Did you know that LSD was synthesized for the first time on November 16 of 1938 by Albert Hofmann?  That's 77 years ago!

The question is what do you know about this Swiss scientist?

He authored more than 100 scientific articles and numerous books, in 2007 he shared first place, with Tim Berners-Lee (the inventor of the World Wide Web) in a list of the 100 greatest living geniuses.

This publication by EROWID is a great little summary, complete with some of his books, articles and writings.

Let's not forget that he was also the first to synthesize psilocybin in 1958.

Read the full story here:


6 Big Reasons Why You Should Quit Your Job And Follow Your Passion


Photo Credit: Kevin Krejci



This article from Addicted2Success, a website whose mission is to empower and inspire people by spreading knowledge of self development and life changing stories, lays out 6 reason why you should quit your job to follow your passion.

Read carefully because it's also about knowing yourself and your passion well!

Read the full story here


Ecstasy, Fake LSD, and Sort-Of Magic Mushrooms: The Future of Dance Music’s Drugs




Great piece of investigative journalism by SPIN.COM.

The big question is about the Future of Drugs and Dance music.

Will it still be MDMA or ''Molly''?  Apparently  MDMA will continue to be as popular because it’s a “warm, community-oriented, exploratory, relationship-building type of drug experience,” and psychedelics, such as LSD, will start trending again.

We are also seeing an increase in in psychedelics, like a cycle, the 70s are coming back.

But here is the twist: the available LSD, MDMA and even Marijuana are often anything but their original formula...  We are seeing a resurgence of synthetic drugs that are technically lawful but very dangerous, such as synthetic marijuana.

It is a fact that the American war on drugs has created not only a market, but a motivation for both the sale and consumption of these drugs.

Read the full story here


10 First Date Ideas for Stoners




Alcohol on a first date?  Pretty traditional... How about some some marijuana?  If you do decide to go down that road, HIGH TIMES list of 10 first date ideas for Stoners is the right article for you!

Number 2 is kind of strange but hey.... worth trying!  Number 8 is probably our best choice :-)

What are you waiting for?  Read on!

Read the full story here

Thanks for reading and see you next week!