How to take peyote?
Posted under: How to's

The Peyote plant is a cactus. Lucky for us, it's spineless. But THE QUESTION quickly appears: how the hell must we take peyote? iT'S A CACTUS!
Don't get desperate, we are answering here the question. So, how to take peyote?? Please, answer me, please, please, please! How to take peyote, how???
How to take peyote: it's easy!
Peyote is a cactus with psychoactive alkaloids, one very famous: mescaline. Peyote is famous thanks to the Native North Americans who used it for spiritual purposes for at least 5000 years. It grows in the south of North America (Mexico border).
In the nature, peyote grows wild but slowly. You SHOULD NOT take wild peyote because it can be dangerous. It's only for native experts!
In proper conditions, peyote grows faster. They don't need a lot of cares. Only a few drops of water once in 2-3 weeks.
Now, you have two options: you can choose to grow your own peyote with our Peyote Grow kit or you can buy it growth in different sizes.
Since now we are going to imagine that you have been a great farmer or a great client and you have a precious cactus with you, and you want to take peyote. How must you do this? How to take peyote?
Peyote must to be chewed. I know, I know, its taste is HORRIBLE. It's bitter and tastes very BAD. But we have choices. As the easy recipe for magic mushrooms that we wrote days ago, there's some choices to avoid the bad taste of peyote cactus. For example, you can grid it and mix it with juice or grid it and make some capsules to take it like a pill (try with our fantastic capsule machine). Just swallow it and enjoy, you know! But please, ever remember that other foods can make this more difficult for your body or interact with the effects and make it lower or unusual.
How much peyote must you take?
It depends on the size of the cactus and the effect you want.
SIZE: 3-4 cm peyote
- Light: 3 - 6 buttons
- Common: 6 - 12 buttons
- Strong: 8 - 16 buttons
- Heavy: 15 + buttons
SIZE: 5-6 cm peyote
- Light: 2 - 5 buttons
- Common: 5 - 9 buttons
- Strong: 7 - 12 buttons
- Heavy: 12 + buttons
What are the effects?
The effects of peyote will be best enjoyed in nature, in the beach or in the forest or in wide field plants... (avoid altitudes, of course). They can last between 5-24 hours, so remember not to make important appointments for the next day.
The effects will be relaxation, spiritual cognition and life enlightenment. In short: AWESOMENESS.
November 6, 2014