Ask Mick: How do I store my mushroom grow kit?
Posted under: Ask Mick, How to's, News and Science

After receiving your magic mushroom grow kit you probably want to start growing mushrooms right away, we would do the same! But occasionally you can find yourself in the middle of a move, preparing for a holiday or you have a magic mushroom combi-pack and don't want to start all your magic mushroom boxes at once. Today we will be looking at how do to store your magic mushroom grow kit properly if you don't want to use it right away. Here are the elements you need to consider:
The travel time of your magic mushroom grow kit.
The first element we need to take into consideration is the transit time of the grow kit, the total time it took to get to you. If it was in transfer for a week or less, you can store your kit.
But if it has been a longer trip, we recommended that you start your grow kit as soon as possible.
Why is that you may be asking yourself?
Because the grow kit is alive and as such, it should be stored in a cool environment, that means it should be refrigerated but during transport, this obviously does not happen when we ship it to you, and although this does not damage the grow kit, it will reduce the preservation capacity of the kit.
Check the production kit date
A second thing to look at is the date of production of the kit. This number is on the front side of the cardboard box. The grow kit is good up until 1 month after this production date yo usee on the box.
Our advice to you is that you start the grow kit as soon as possible after you received.
We do not ship instructions with the kits but we do have them on our website:
Have a look at the instructions on how to start your grow kit.
If you still want to store your kit read further down:

How to store your magic mushroom kit.
You must store your grow kit in the refrigerator, but make sure it is clean. The photo above is how NOT to store your grow kt.
Get rid of all types of forgotten foods, yeast or dough you might have in the fridge. These can attract unwanted fungus and bacteria and can infect you mushroom grow kit.
To prevent this throwaway suspicious-looking food and use some disinfection spray or antibacterial soap to clean out your fridge, then get credit for it by showing it to your mom or partner they will be proud ;)
Use a plastic bag to protect the grow kit
Putting your kit in a plastic bag or ZipLock stile bag will protect your mushroom grow kit and keep most bacterias and lower fungi out. Still, this is no excuse not to clean your fridge...
The correct temperature to store you mushroom kit.
The best temperature to store your grow kit for is between 2-8 Degrees Celsius. Try to keep the temperature in the fridge as constant as possible. Avoid taking the kit in and out of the fridge, just leave it in until you want to start the kit.
How long can I store my grow kit?
The optimum time you can store your magic mushroom kit is 4 weeks after production date. You can always go longer, but we do not guarantee that the kit will be effective growing you magic mushrooms. This is because of the hibernating mycelium in the grow kit. As the mycelium gets older it loses strength.
Ready to start growing mushrooms
Once you are ready to start it is best to get your kit out of the refrigerator and let it adjust to the room temperature before starting. Make sure you use the right instructions for you magic mushroom grow kit.
Have a look at the magic mushroom grow kit instruction manual
If all goes well you should have this in about 15 days -)
That's it for this week. If you have a question or need some advice, just send me an email. [email protected]
Till next time
July 24, 2017