Holiday Break: Dec 24 – Jan 1. Last shipping day: Dec 23. Back on Jan 2. Happy Holidays!

Latest News

  • In this blog post, we are going to look at Shamanism and how it is linked to Magic Mushrooms, and even how you can add a bit of Shamanic spirit to your trip. 

    We´re lucky to live in an age of modern medicine. When we get ill, we put our trust in doctors, psychologists, and pharmaceuticals, to sort us out. But our ancestors’ way of treating illness, was a totally different story.

    They would’ve checked in with the local shaman to help cure their ills. 


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  • Eating magic mushrooms alone, in dried or fresh form, is not the most pleasant experience, and if you think about it, we’d never eat “culinary” mushrooms in this way, so no reason to do it with magic ones.  There are so many stories people gagging and choking to get those little guys down, that we decided it was time to show you how to eliminate the suffering from eating magic mushrooms by preparing them in pleasant and delicious ways.


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  • In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at “Set and Setting”, an expression which was coined by Timothy Leary in 1964. In his book, The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide, he talks about the importance of carefully preparing yourself, and your environment before setting out on any psychedelic adventure.

    To the indigenous people of Central America though, this was old news. For over 3500 years, they’ve been using important “set and setting” rituals.

    Let us tell you a little more about set and setting and how it can truly enhance the pleasure and safety of any mushroom trip.

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  • What is a bad trip?

    June 5, 2020

    We’re living in an exciting new age when it comes to psychedelics, research is thriving and we’re learning so much about their potential health benefits. One of the most surprising things studies are revealing, is that the dreaded “bad trip” might not be so bad after all.


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  • A trip sitter is a person who stays sober while others are under the influence of some form of hallucinogen. The trip sitter is there to help and ensure the safety of the users during there trip. A sitter can help you when you have a bad trip or just comfort those who are tripping by his calming presence.

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  • Here at Magic Mushrooms Shop, we sure do love mushrooms, and we’re not just talking about the psychoactive ones.

    Over time, our relationship with psychedelic mushrooms has inspired deep respect and curiosity for the entire range of species. We all know that mushrooms can be tasty and trippy, but did you know that they can dramatically improve your physical health?

    In these strange times of global pandemics, having a strong immune system is one of the best ways to stay safe. Therefore, we are very happy to present to you our new range of organic mushroom supplements.

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  • What is Microdosing?

    April 2, 2020

    Microdosing is a term you’ll hear and read a lot about these days. The practice of taking small amounts of psilocybin was launched into the mainstream by the tech community over at Silicon Valley. But what is microdosing ? 

    Since the practice has become prolific within all levels of society and within many different professions, it is not only the artistic and creative circles who seem to be the most vocal about the benefit of microdosing.

    But what do we actually know about microdosing?

    Does it really help fight depression and let you explore your mind and consciousness? Where did it come from and what are the effects? What does science say about it all?

    We’ll answer all of those questions for you below.


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  • In this corona crisis, we are doing everything possible to deliver your packages.
  • Denver has voted to decriminalize the use of magic mushrooms - the first US city to do so. The motion was put to a public vote on Tuesday, and passed with a slim majority of 50.6%. That's good news! But what this victory mean? And what are the future goals regarding the legal status of magic mushroom? Continue reading

  • Once a month The Magic Mushrooms Shop brings you a brief ‘’News Digest’’ of what we feel are some of the most interesting articles related to psychedelics and anything else we find ‘’trippy’’. On this month of December, we are focusing on microdosing, vaping cannabis CBD vs THC.


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