The best way to start growing magic mushrooms
Posted under: Our products

Magic Mushrooms are awesome. We really like the way they make us feel and see the world. Magic Mushrooms relax us and show us incredible things and colors. We totally want Magic Mushrooms in our life. But probably you think that such thing is a difficult plan. NOT AT ALL! To grow your own magic mushrooms never was SO EASY!
The best way to start growing magic mushrooms is ordering our All In One Mushroom Kit. Why? Because it's easy to use and secure! It's so easy that even a tripping person can use it! (But remember our Responsible Use page).
What is the All In One Mushroom Kit?

The All in One Mushroom Kit is the best way to start growing magic mushrooms. I know, i'm repeating this very much, but it's true!
This fantastic kit was made for men and women who want to enter in this fantastic and tripping world without losing their minds or desperating. This kit makes so easy to grow your own magic mushrooms even your mom will want to use it!
What is in the All in One Mushroom Kit?
You will receive:
- 2x grow kits
- 3x Latex gloves in pair
- 1x Thermo Mat with EURO plug
- 1x Disinfectant Handgel
- 1x Face Mask
- 1x Waterspray
You're going to do science, B*TCH!
What is it for?
- The grow kits content colonized substrate in wich will grow the magic mushrooms. You're going to awake the magic mushrooms, so to speak.
- The latex gloves and the desinfectant hand gel are for not to spoil it all with your dirty hands.
- The thermo mat is included to keep your grow kits with a perfect temperature.
- The face mask is for no to spoil it all with your dirty nose and mouth. (But we love you).
- The water spray is to irrigate the mushrooms, obviously.
What to do with the All in One Kit?
Because this is the best way to start growing magic mushrooms, the All in One Kit was made to make you happy. You're going to be a proud gardener. You will know the pleasure of seeing your own magic mushrooms to grow and you're going to be THE F*CKING PARTY MASTER!
November 3, 2014