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Magic Mushroom Grow Kit B+ XL by Mondo®

Magic mushroom B+ kit is recommended for it's high yield and big mushrooms. Without a doubt the Bee plus is one of the largest of all cubensis mushrooms. Perhaps the B+ Magic Mushroom grow kit is even the most resilient. Stories are not uncommon of people disposing the substrate in the garden after it has been exhausted only to find B+ magic mushrooms growing at the same spot the year after. A great beginner kit, that will never let you down.

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Product Description

Years of planning and testing has resulted in the next generation of Mondo® B+ XL magic mushroom grow kits. The  B+ XL grow kit is now even better than it ever was. Compared to the first generation of Mondo®XL magic mushroom grow kit, the next generation is improved with:

  • Larger yields, more mushrooms
  • More flushes*
  • Better resistance against contaminations
  • Different, but easier instructions


*some strains produce more flushes than others. The first three flushes are the largest.

Meet the new standard of easy grow kits

The Mondo® B+ XL magic mushroom grow kit is slightly different than the grow kits you may have used before. These are mainly 'under the hood' differences and are not easily seen.

Just like the previous and other easy mushoom grow kits, you do not need to use additional spores. During the laboratory process, the spores have developed in mycelium inside the substrate (the cake) in the grow box.

How to store the grow kit correctly

It is recommended to start the cultivation process right away. If you decide to start growing later, you may store the grow kit in the refrigerator (2°C to 8°C) for 2 weeks after productiondate. First, wrap the grow kit in a plastic shopping bag and close it well.


  • 1x grow box – This contains substrate with active mycelium (the cake)
  • 1x large grow bag – The bag has micron filters to keep contaminants out
  • 1x reusable yellow seal – For closing the grow bag.


You need

    • Misting Bottle  – Misting is needed for the humidity level
    • Potable water – For misting and soaking
    • Clean environment – Work clean to give other fungi and bacteria (micro organisms) no chance to contaminate.


    We recommend to use


    How to prepare the room and yourself before you begin

    • Close any open windows. Wind or draft may bring microorganisms that can contaminate the Mondo® 'B+' XL Magic Mushroom grow kit.
    • When taking out the grow box with the cake from the carton box, put it on a disinfected surface. If this surface would not be clean, micro organisms may attach to the grow box and will flourish inside the Mondo® 'B+' XL Magic Mushroom grow kit, and will contaminate the grow box.
    • Make sure you work with clean hands and arms. We recommend using surgical gloves or a good disinfectant when handling the kit. You should use a facemask to avoid breathing into the grow bag and on the cake.


    Starting the process

    1. Fill the box with fresh, potable water. Close the grow box well and let is soak for 12 hours.
    2. After 12 hours, pour the surplus of water out of the grow box.
    3. Place the grow box inside the large grow bag. The open end of the bag should point upwards.
    4. Remove the lid from the grow box. Rinse the lid, and store it in the ziplock bag for later use. Place the ziplockbag with the lid back in the carton box.
    5. Fold the open end of large grow bag twice; do not cover the micron filter.
    6. Place the reusable yellow seal on the fold, so the bag stays closed. Now the Mondo® 'B+' XL Magic Mushroom grow kit is ready to grow.
    7. Place the Mondo® 'B+' XL Magic Mushroom grow kit inside the carton box, on top of the ziplock with lid.



    The ideal temperature is 24°C. Do not have the temperature drop under 18°C and not exceed 29°C. To keep the temperature from dropping under the 18°C, you can use a thermo mat to maintain the ideal temperature. A thermo mat  is a must-have in the winter or colder regions of the world.


    The Mondo® 'B+' XL magic mushroom grow kit only needs light for the mycelium to ‘understand’ it has reached the surface. Only then, mushrooms will grow. A few hours of fluorescent/artificial light or indirect sunlight a day is more than enough. Direct sunlight kills the mycelium, so avoid the sun to shine directly on the grow kit.

    Water / Misting

    The day after you start the process you begin with misting. Open the grow bag by removing the reusable yellow seal. Do not spray directly on the cake, but spray one time against every side of the bag. So you mist once a day, four sprays. Misting also vents fresh oxygen inside the bag. Right after misting, close the bag again with the reusable yellow seal.


    If the conditions are optimal, you can expect the first small mushrooms (the pins) to appear between 5 and 16 days. This also depends on the strain. Some cubensis strains grow slower than others.


    The mushrooms come up in groups. This can be a small or large group. That depends on the strain. A growth like this is called a flush. Mushrooms are almost never ripe at the same time. You can get more than one flush out of a kit. The first two flushes are the largest. When more flushes come, they will be smaller than the previous one.


    Mushrooms are ripe and should be picked when the veil between the hat and the stem has just torn. Don’t wait much longer. Use surgical gloves or disinfect your hands, wrists and arms. Pick the mushrooms that are ripe and let the others continue to grow. Remove the mushrooms from the cake by taking hold of the base of the mushroom between thumb and index finger. Rotating your hand clockwise slowly, until the mushroom lets go. Do not pull out the mushrooms. This would risk damaging the mycelium and killing it. When most of the larger mushrooms have been picked, also pick the smaller ones and the pins as well.

    Mushrooms that grow from the sides

    Mushrooms grow where the light reaches and where there is little penetrating resistance. Because the cake has light shining on the sides, the mushrooms might also grow there. It is hard to counter this and can be allowed. Some growers wrap the sides of the grow box in aluminum foil to keep the sides dark, but this doesn’t always work well.

    When mushrooms grow there, they can be picked just before you soak the kit:

    Clean hands! Take the grow box out of the bag and place it upside down on your other hand. Wiggle the plastic box so that the cake will fall out, onto your hand. The plastic box can be placed on a disinfectant surface. Now you have this hand free to pick the mushrooms from the sides of the cake. When all mushrooms are picked, you can place the cake back as it was, in the plastic box and continue to the soaking process.


    After all the mushrooms have been picked, you prepare the kit for the next flush. Again, with disinfected hands or gloves; take the grow box out of the large grow bag. Fill the box with fresh, potable water. Take the lid out of the ziplock bag and use it to close the grow box. Place the closed grow box in a soaking Bag or use your own clean plastic shopping bag and wrap it around the box. Close it well and place this in a refrigerator (2°C to 8°C) for 12 hours. This is called the soaking process. Water will now soak through the cake, preparing it for the next flush.

    During the soaking you can hang the grow bag with micronfilter upside down to dry. Make sure to hang it upside down, so no micro organisms will access the bag. Many growers prefer to use new and unused grow bags after every flush.

    After 12 hours take the soaking Bag with the grow box, out from the fridge and unpack it.

    Next Flush

    To continue, follow the same steps 3 – 7 as before when you started the process for the first time. Several days later, a new flush will appear. You can get at least 2 or 3 flushes out of a Mondo® 'B+' XL Magic mushroom grow kit. If you are experienced in cultivating, you can get more flushes out of a kit.

    The end

    When no more mushrooms grow out of a grow kit after the second flush for at least three weeks, or when the Mondo® 'B+' XL Magic Mushroom grow kit turns green, red, grey or yellow; the grow kit can be disposed of.  The change in color is a sign that the grow kit is contaminated with another fungus or a bacteria. No more mushrooms will grow out of the Mondo® 'B+' XL Magic mushroom grow kit and the grow kit should be thrown away in the garbage outside.


    When you are too late picking the mushrooms, they will drop their spores. The cake and the mushrooms will turn black/purple (some other cubensis strains red/brown) because of the spores. This is not really a problem; it just doesn’t look very pretty. When mushrooms release their spores, they also start to degrade and the active ingredients are breaking down. Mushrooms will lose some of their potency.

    Be sensible

    Check out the responsible use page for more information on do’s and don’ts.

    This kit is meant for small-scale home use only.

    Additional Info
    Additional Info
    Productcode MCS.GKMYC.002-BPLU-2100
    Weight (KG) 1.4000
    Mushroom Strain B+
    Grow Kit type Mondo
    Difficulty Very Easy
    Size Extra Large
    Species Psilocybe cubensis
    Origin Unknown
    Potency Average / High
    Optimum cultivation temperature 23ºC
    Yield (from) 200 grams
    Yield (to) 600 gram
    Water Spray Needed Yes

    Customer Reviews

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    joust Review by Bojan
    they grow only from side edge center is empty, so first gild was 17g wich is less than small PES Amazon (Posted on 3/14/2013)
    Super Review by Martin
    Päckchen war nach grad mal 24h da, inklusive 2 superleckeren keksen XD

    Danke (Posted on 3/5/2013)
    sehr empfehlenswert! Review by Laura
    Bestellung schnell und ohne Komplikationen.
    Als kleinen Tipp: wenn ihr die Box wieder in den Karton stellt, drückt in die Ecken am besten Alufolie, damit unsere Freunde nicht zu sehr nach unten wachsen (da das Licht durch die Ecken des Kartons kommt).

    Habe das erste mal Pilze gegrowt. GUT DESINFIZIEREN! ;) Wie in der Beschreibung, Wasser einfüllen ~12 Std stehen lassen, Rest abgießen und in der Tüte in die Box stellen. Habe NICHT wie angegeben alle 2,3 Tage mit Wasser besprüht, sondern 1x in der Woche (sprich insgesamt nur 2x.
    Einige Pilze wuchsen nach unten, davon haben sich aber welche den Weg nach oben gesucht. Nachdem die ersten Pilzchen auch oben zu sehen waren ging es ziemlich schnell. Die sind wirklich wahnsinnig gut gewachsen (obwohl in meinem Zimmer lang keine optimale Temperatur war- nur ca 18,5Grad, statt gut über20..).
    Konnte gestern alle ernten, habe insgesamt 175 g vom ersten Flush !!!!!
    Da ich ein paar vorher geerntet habe (sind mir leider umgeknickt, meine Schuld) konnte ich sie schon 2Trips testen & ich kann nur sagen: SUPER!
    Habe den ganzen Kuchen herausgenommen, damit ich auch die Pilze von der Seite ernten kann, dass sie vorallem nicht schimmeln und hoffe nun dass ich auf weitere so gute Flushs hoffen darf! :)
    Viel Spaß mit diesen wundervollen Erfahrungen! =)
    Laura (Posted on 2/1/2013)
    fantastisch ! Review by Kenny
    De eerste flush heeft 50 gr gedroogde paddestoelen opgeleverd. Wat een hoeveelheid paddestoelen! De hele zak was vol gegroeid.
    Twintig gram vers gaf me de sensatie van een pulserende energie die doorheen mijn lichaam ging. Vervolgens een ongelooflijke euforie die opkwam in mijn solar plexus. Ik was één met de muziek en wou alleen nog dansen. Jammer dat ik net geopereerd ben aan mijn knie...
    Nog wat bijgegeten en toen kreeg ik een levensles. Het erover dat ik beter zorg moet dragen voor mijn hart.
    Ik heb met de paddestoelen afgesproken dat als ik gerevalideerd ben en mijn knie het weer toelaat dat we samen gaan dansen op goa trance.
    Dit is de ultieme shroom om op te dansen !
    Hartelijk bedankt ! (Posted on 1/29/2013)
    good Review by András
    very good :) (Posted on 1/1/2013)
    Tolle Pilze Review by Shroomeater
    Wirklich tolles Paket habe 4 dicke Flushes geerntet, sehr ergiebig die beiden letzen
    Flushes haben wirkliche Giganten ab-
    geschmissen und der Turn war jedes mal
    Auch an das Shopteam viele Grüße

    Speacilly Ric Who cares and handles my Question!
    (Posted on 8/29/2012)
    Bestellung und Lieferung Review by Andreas
    den Trib kann Ich leider noch nicht genau bewerten, werde Ich aber nachholen weil Ich heute mein Paket bekommen habe und Ich nur mit kolumbianische pilze bis jetzt erfahrung habe aber Ich tippe mal auf die 5 Sterne,--( Dankeschön für Ihr Paket, bin total Super zufrieden, das Sie auch mein Überweisungsfehler geregelt haben, toller Shop aufjeden fall gerne wieder.) Super Shop,( Dank u Ik ben zeer tevreden ) (Posted on 8/7/2012)
    Would 100% Recommend Review by Ridin Psilocybin
    First Flush: 220 grams fresh

    Second Flush: 200 grams fresh

    The grow-kit is still going strong and the medicine is first class.

    Don't think about buying from MMS, do it. Their service is just as good as their products, I've just ordered more.

    Thanks for the great service MMS.

    -Ridin Psilocybin (Posted on 7/25/2012)
    Go for it !!! Review by Marcin
    Habe bereits mehrere Boxen bestellt und kann zusammenfassend sagen:

    Sevice: 1a
    Lieferung: 1a
    Produkt: 1a
    Wirkung : :-)))) 1a :-)

    Toller shop. Der Support funktioniert wunderbar, die Mitarbeiter sind sehr freundlich. Lieferung erfolgt nach 1-2 Tagen.
    Die Shrooms wachsen sehr schnell und in grossen Mengen. Und die Wirkung ist wirklich überwältigend.
    MMS ist in meinen Augen der beste Onlineshop für Shrooms.

    Vielen Dank MMS (Posted on 7/8/2012)
    Very good product Review by Manuelle
    As all growkits that I had so far from MM, they are excellent!
    top service, very fast delivery and strong shrooms.

    Thx, good job. (Posted on 6/1/2012)
    Really apreciated by this product Review by Julius
    It is amazing. Liked so much. They grow so good and so nice futhermore regular and big. Biggest shroom dried was 5g. And ussual flush wet shroomies 150-230g and dry around 10-20g. I recomend this to everybody who like mooshrooms :)
    I use to bought two boxes, one have complications, because of black fungus. So I get new box replaced by support team. Thank you so much!

    (Posted on 5/14/2012)
    great service, great product Review by Berg
    hi people,

    i have orderd one of the 2100 ccm boxes and was totally pleased with the outcome.
    shrooms grow large and potent.
    had at least 6 flushes!

    great product, fast shipment, friendly customer support!

    just orded Mazaptec.

    Thanks MMS! (Posted on 9/15/2011)
    one of the best mushrooms Review by Jonas
    awesome strain high quality!!
    the largest shrooms i ever grew!!about h= 20cm or higher!!
    my friends fell in love about this strain and special pleasant emotions!!
    one of my favorites!!
    ;)so all my old growkits i put in a dark spot of my garden
    since 2007
    this year , after i put the old better b+ maxi mycomate
    to the dark spot ,(left some very little fruits on the substrate)
    the kit was still building bright better b+ mushrooms!!!
    one of the few good things , about this lost summer ,
    and this rainy humidity but pretty warm months in germany!!
    meet requirements very good for an Outdoor+Grow!!

    (Posted on 9/13/2011)
    nice quality,big flushes of big shrooms,of high quality!! Review by pilzener
    nice box ,i harvested 4 times about 150g and the 5th.flush is coming.
    very nice shrooms!!! (Posted on 8/23/2011)
    top Review by Marco
    Geweldig, binnen 2 dagen in huis.
    Helaas was er een probleempje maar Na een e-mail is mij direct een nieuwe doos opgezonden, ook binnen 48 uur in huis. Na 2 weken al pins en een enorme eerste oogst.. Helaas, mn weegschaal is stuk gegaan, maar ben nu al bij de 4e flush en heb echt GIGA paddestoelen geplukt. nog nooit eerder gezien..
    Goeie trip, lekkere smaak, mits vers..
    Ben dus bezig met de 4e flush, en momenteel zie ik ik 6 veelbelovende vette pins groeien. Waren alle bakken maar 2100 CC :)

    Bedankt MMS voor een heerlijk product en geweldige service (Posted on 8/22/2011)
    Substartum of Substrate Review by Antonio
    B+ mushrooms are one of the most interesting mushroom i've ever had a chance to eat. I've had already tried Amazonian, Ecuadorian and McKennai and they all have the same characteristic, and that is to drive you back and forward in all dimension at their own wave.
    But B+ is something special...it has the ability to absorb you into subdimensional space where you can sense the very basic of structure, space and time in which everything that is necessary for you to feel is a all pervasive felling of self-being.
    I wish you all good luck in exploring your conciousness (Posted on 8/7/2011)
    Bang for you buck Review by Skytouch
    This is a very good kit. The yields are great, the shrooms grow big. And I mean big, these suckers are huge.

    The trip is fine. It is powerful and nice, but not my favorite shroom. Will definately be buying again though because of the large yield. Would not buy this as my only kit if you are a first timer. Go with a box of mexican to try first, and then get a B+ kit. (Posted on 7/22/2011)
    it is fine!!! Review by spiros/ioanna
    it is fine!!! (Posted on 7/16/2011)
    MAGNIFIQUE Review by Patrick
    Bonjour à tous,

    Au matin du 9ème jour ils se sont montré, est après encore 8 jour la grosse récolte.
    cela est comme un tremblement de terre c'est vraiment magnifique à voir, les pied de champignon ressemble à un tronc, tout c'est passé comme prévu au niveau de l'envoie, au niveau du temps qu'il faut attendre et au niveau du poid de la récolte.

    Je suis très content pour moi c'est une nouvelle passion qui commence est cette passion m'a enfin fait ranger mon appartement.

    pour moi les meilleures voyage se font avec les mushrooms.

    Je remercie Magic Musrooms pour le bonheur qu'ils m'ont amené et je souhaite un bon voyage au gens du même monde que moi Bien à vous Patrick
    (Posted on 7/5/2011)
    les B+ téstés Review by manuel
    Ces petits champignons fins poussent trés facilement avec un rendement a la récolte exceptionnel; l'effet est bon, aussi visuel et mystique que physique. l'envoi rapide et soigné tout comme le rapport qualité/Prix sont également trés appréciables sur ce site. ENJOY!!! Merci magic Mushrooms-shop, on y reviens avec plaisir! :) (Posted on 6/15/2011)

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    Important information about Mondo® Grow Kit B+ XL

    • The purchase of this product is restricted to individuals who are at least 18 years old.
    • By initiating a purchase, you confirm knowledge of and compliance with the legal terms regarding the product(s) in your country of residence, as well as your eligibility to acquire and hold them.
    • Shipping restrictions apply to this product. Refer to Additional Info to discover our non-delivery zones.
    • Engaging in the consumption of magic mushrooms is solely your responsibility, so be certain to thoroughly educate yourself about their usage and consequential effects.
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